Receptionist Struggles

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-Implied IronDad & Spiderson

Peter hadn't been to the tower in what felt like weeks, but, had only been, in fact, three days.

Now, to most people, that wasn't much, and even to Peter, it was a fairly small amount considering his already busy schedule of school, grocery shopping, studying, homework and patrols.

But this time- this time three days was an eternity.

All of finals had ended for that year and school would be out in a week, so Peter, being the ever lazy teenager he was at heart, had knocked school studying and homework off his schedule in one go.

Of course, he still had to register at school, but then he was let into a pretty much free period where most of his peers (not friends, he didn't have many of those still) hung out around the fields, bleachers or in empty classrooms.

All Peter had to do was register, go to the bathroom and sneak out, arrive back just in time to sign out and tadaaa! He didn't have to go to school!

While this loop of patrols during school was happening he knew full well Tony was having renovations, staff hire, new interns, the works.

He knew Tony would be under a lot of stress and didn't want to disturb the workings of Pepper, so he told them previously he'd be chilling and taking a break for a few days.

Tiny was reluctant not to have his science buddy, but settled for inviting Bruce up to work with him more, and Pepper was thrilled Peter would finally take time to get sleep and watch tv like a normal teenager. So much so, she gave May a StarkScreen to watch all their movies on. Ultra 4K. It was amazing to May, and she couldn't say thank you enough.

And so, the moment he walked through the doors, and smelt a new fragrant overuse of perfume, he felt a pang of longing to be back with Mr. Stark and Pepper, having his shared living and late nights in the lab.

"Hello!" Peter chirped at the two new security guards, who, just like the last two, made no sign that they even recognised him.

"Good Afternoon, how may I help you here at Stark Industries today?" It was a short lady, with bright green eyes and her blond hair in a neat ponytail,

"Hello! Just to go through the scanners." Peter said, already turning away from the reception desk,

"Oh, I'm sorry, the scanners are out of operation today, we are entering people manually. Please may I have your colour and clearance ID?" Slightly irritated, but not enough to put a damper on his happy mood, Peter looked to the back of his badge,

"Umm... Red and Blue... Alpha 03?" He asked, confused, FRIDAY always just called his name, giving him a welcome back message, nothing more, nothing less. He assumed now, that this was Tony's doing, as he had a custom card,

"I'm sorry? Red or Blue?" She asked, usually you only had one colour,

"No, both." Peter replied, sliding her the lanyard over the minimalist desk,

"I'm going to have to ask you to step aside while I call Mr. Hogan down." She gestured off to a row of empty chairs,

"Come on-" He glanced at her name tag,

"-Brenda, just let me through, please." She shook her head with vigour,

"I'm sorry, Red and Blue doesn't exist and Alpha o'three hasn't been assigned, only Mr. Stark and Miss. Potts have o'one and o'two." Peter rolled his eyes adorably,

"But it has, because I have it! Look, FRIDAY recognises me, she even has a Parker Protocol. Just ask." He begged, gesturing wildly around,

"The new FRIDAY system hasn't been installed down here yet, hence the inactive scanners." She told him with a sigh,

"Mr. Hogan has been called from floor three, so please, wait right there." It was getting annoying, Peter had only just learnt all the names of the old receptionists, why did Tony have to go and hire more?

"Brenda, what seems to be the problem?" Happy asked, strolling up and standing next to Peter at the desk,

"This boy, Mr. Hogan, has a fake badge, Alpha 03." Happy looked Peter up and down, deciding how much to mess with the boy, but upon his large bags and tired expression, he decided to give him a little laugh,

"Peter! It's good to see you back." That was true, everyone had missed Stark Jr,

"His badge is completely legit, this is Mr. Stark, the Junior, you know, Tony Stark's son?" Brenda made a very good goldfish expression, and Peter broke a tiny smile,

"Isn't that right FRIDAY?" He asked to ceiling,

"Mr Stark is on his way down to meet Mr Stark Junior right this moment." Happy nodded strongly, winking at Brenda,

"Have a nice day."

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