Sassy Wedding Rehersal

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-IronDad & Spiderson 'cuz I cant stop myself
-Reused phrase from my other one-shot 'cuz I liked it

"Mr. Stark!" Peter called, walking out of the changing room at last,

"Good, looking good kid." Tony said, standing against the wall, only glancing up from his phone screen to Peter occasionally,

"I still don't see why I'm your best man... what about Mr Rhodes?" He asked, admiring himself in the mirror.

Tony quickly waved him off, muttering about designated survivors or the UN or something equally as boring.


"Hap said no."

Peter grinned,

"I gotta say Mr. Stark... for this suit, I'm kind of glad." Tony finally looked up, a grin mirroring Peter's forming on his lips,

"Yup. Always making you suits, let's go." He began to walk away, up the stairs towards where Pepper and a few others were waiting.

Peter had never actually met any of the other Avengers, except for Bruce, who he had geeked out with a few times prior.

He wouldn't be surprised if Natasha Romanov knew who he was, after all, she was a super-spy and SHIELD Agent!

Realising suddenly Tony had begun to walk up the stairs, he jogged after him, his hair falling slightly out of place again, much to his dismay.

"Keep up underoos!" Tony teased, holding open the door, the two ducking through into the reception,

"Tony! Took you long enough!" Pepper's voice came out of nowhere,

"Peter! I've missed you, honey." Two arms pulled Peter into a tight hug for a moment, before letting him go.

Slightly dazed, Peter only smiled,

"You too." He refrained from calling her Mom, or Aunt Pepper in front of the crowd, at least until they got to know him a little,

"Guys, this is my best man, Peter, kid, these are the Avengers." Tony mumbled, already playing on his phone,

"H-Hi..." Peter looked at his shiny black shoes with a meek expression,

"Steve Rogers." A blond man stepped forwards, and they shook,

"Bucky Barnes."

"Clint Barton."

"Laura Barton."


"Hi, Peter." Bruce ended the introductions with a friendly smile,

"You know the kid?" Clint asked bluntly,

"Yeah, he's a genius, this kid can rival Tony's intellect." Suddenly Tony looked up, knowing he was being talked about, and now caring about the conversations

"Who's a genius? I hope me, this is my wedding rehearsal." Peter rolled his eyes, and Pepper tried to hide her laugh,

"Don't sass me kid, I've got enough for the both of us."

Peter simply grinned,

"Oh, it's on, underoos." Tony placed his phone back in his pocket threateningly,

"What, at your wedding rehearsal that Pepper would literally kill you if you messed up?" Peter asked, acting innocent,

"The cheek!" Throwing his arms up in the air in exasperation, everyone in the room chorused a laugh, Tony throwing his arm around Peter's shoulders, pulling his to his side,

"I swear, if you weren't my kid, I'd have blasted you with the suit." He joked, making Peter laugh all the more, Tony ruffling his hair good-naturedly,

"DAD! You're going to mess it up again!" He whined, ducking away from the older man,

"Dad?" The two turned slowly, dragging out the suspense, looking to the Avengers, than each other, to the Avengers and each other again.

This was going to be a long explanation.

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