N.O. Spells No!

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Tony looked Loki up and down, one eyebrow raised, in a deadpan, sarcastic sort of look, more than he usually does.

Loki stood across the desk from him, his arms crossed adamantly and his weight resting on one hip.

"N.O. Spells no." Tony said sternly, but did not move an inch from his position at the desk,

"Y.E.S. Spells yes, mortal." Loki rolled his eyes, shifting his weight to the other hip and looking down on Tony with an innocently evil gleam in his eyes.

"Mortal? What, so I've downgraded from 'love' to 'Mortal' now? I want a refund." Tony couldn't help but make a joke, it was his most natural defence, but it didn't seem to help his point, so he bit his lip, stopping himself from continuing,

"Tony." Loki sighed, clicking his tongue, as if in disappointment,

"Loki." Tony copied his tone mockingly,

"I. Want. A. Cat." Loki said. Now it was Tony's time to roll his eyes,

"I know. But we're not getting one!" He raised his voice,

"Why not? Give me a reason." Loki pushed,

"A valid one." He continued,

"Fine." Tony huffed,

"You have to water them, and give them dust baskets and imagine the state of my hard wood panelling!" Tony waved his arms around wildly, knocking Dum-E to the side, back where he came from at the door.

Loki blatantly ignored Tony's first point, internally scoffing at his boyfriend's annoying disregard for serious situations,

"They're called litter boxes Tony! And they don't go everywhere." Loki argued, making the other glare, and flop backwards into the chair behind him,

"What would you even name it? Lokitty?" Tony asked, grabbing a screwdriver with his left hand, and a palette knife with his right, going back to the project he had been working on before Loki had ambushed him (for the second time) about getting a cat,

"For Odin's sakes Tony, you can name the cat! I don't care!" Loki was slowly giving up, his boyfriend refused to be reasonable with the situation, and always defaulted to tinkering in his lab for hours after their conversation-turned-argument,

"Really?" Tony had this suspicious tone to his voice, but Loki was just so glad to end their standoff, against his better judgement, he agreed,

"Thank you, love." Loki dipped down, pressing his lips firmly to Tony's, smiling into the kiss for a moment, before pulling back,

"I should agree with you more often!" Tony called, grinning as Loki turned away to leave,

"We're dressing it up in an eyepatch for Halloween and calling it Nick Furry!"

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