I want a family.

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This, and the following chapters are my old drafts, and will be the final chapters of this story.

-Spiderson & Irondad
-OC Character

Peter had been tired. He didn't ask for Flash to be his bully. He didn't ask for MJ to constantly debate with him. He didn't ask for Ned to always be talking, just like he didn't ask for the rain.

But it happened nonetheless, and he could do anything about it.

So, as he took his sweet time trundling home in the rain, knowing full well his books were getting wet, and his hands were shaking, he thought about how much his day sucked, and how much it would be exactly like the next one- until Friday.

Sweet, Sweet Friday.

No, not the AI, but including her.

Friday marked the beginning to his weekend, and his time with Tony.

"PETER!" He flinched at the loud shout, closing the apartment door behind him and sighing, taking his earphones out of his ears, and letting them hand from the edge of his shirt, which was a row of lightsabers lined up in a rainbow.

It was a gift, from Ned and Wade.

"Yeah?" Peter called back, his voice quieter than May's.

To be honest, he was surprised she was home. Usually she was doing an extra shift at work, or over at Mark's apartment.


Oh, Mark. How does he even begin to explain him?

To be concise, May's longtime boyfriend, who she had kept from Peter for literally a year, until he caught them red-handed (no, not in that way).

He seriously doubted she'd ever have told him she was dating again, but he could kind of understand her, so he ranted to Tony, and all was well again.

He didn't actively have much to do with Mark, but he knew he didn't like him as much as he had to put off for May's sake.

She needed to be happy again, and if that meant Mark, then so be it.

"Come in here, the- OH!" There was a loud thud, before an airy giggle, and an elongated silence, before May continued,

"The bedroom! Mine! My bedroom!" She shouted at last, so, shrugging his sodden bag off his shoulders and onto the mat at the door, Peter made his was cautiously into her bedroom, creaking the door further open from its jarred position, and gaping.

Honestly, he had no idea what to think.

There were boxes everywhere, so much so, he didn't think he could see an inch of the soft brown carpet underneath the masses.

"What- What is all this?" Peter asked, not even attempting to move closer to May.

"Oh. Did I not tell you? Oh well, it was very spontaneous, but Mark is moving in!" She did a dramatic jazz-hand motion, making Peter smile, not at the news, but at how positively stupid she looked knew deep in boxes and holding a toothbrush,

"Good news, hey? We can finally have family dinners." It was a casual comment that was thrown towards Peter as she turned to put the toothbrush in the bathroom, but it made him sick to his stomach.

Family dinners used to mean him and his parents and Ben with them.

Then they meant with Tony and Pepper and Rhodes, and occasionally Steve or Bucky.

But now? How did it suddenly jump to being May, him and Mark, of all people?

"Like, Friday night? The Friday nights where Mr. Stark comes and buys ridiculously expensive take-away, and we all tease him, and Pepper brings dessert and Rhodes tries to convince us to play charades and- and-" He felt on the verge of tears, so he was reluctantly happy that May then interrupted him,

"Yes. Now Mark and I will cook, and when you get home we can all eat it together. You can do that with your friends on Saturdays." She waved him off, both in her speech and literally waving him away.

He felt... unwanted.

He thought she enjoyed their Friday nights with the Starks, in fact, they were honorary members of the Stark family!

"Hey kid." Mark said as he turned, and Peter suddenly felt claustrophobic, trapped even,

"Don't call me that." Peter blurted without meaning to,

"Only Mr. Stark calls me that." He continued digging himself a hole, but rushed off and into his room before Mark could complain.

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