He's not your Dad.

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This, and the following chapters are my old drafts, and will be the final chapters of this story.

All through Peter's life, since before he could remember, but technically since he was three, Tony Stark had been his Dad.

Biological or not, that man was his literal hero.

And all through his life he'd worshipped the ground his Dad walked on, working with him, shadowing him and inventing with him.

When he'd started school, it hadn't been a problem. He was smart, exceedingly so, and loved all the craft lessons so he could build toothpick models of the things him and his Dad were working on. It wasn't so bad- not until he told everyone in show and tell his Dad was Tony Stark.

The kids had been in awe, as much as five year-olds could be, but the teachers had given each other those totally obvious and not at all as stealthy as they think glances. Peter was just another sob story orphan, or kid who just wanted to feel special.

Later on, kids had stopped believing him so much, following with the adults like a flock of sheep. That's when he'd met Ned, his best friend. Ned had been so excited about Tony Stark that he hadn't even paused to consider if Peter was faking.

It sucked when there were trips and his forms were denied. The first time he just got Pepper to re-sign it but after that he was just about old enough to understand his mistake.

From then on Tony never signed anything of his again, and he'd been pretty okay, the occasional jab from a particularly mean peer.

Until high school.

He was being bullied anyways, just for existing but Flash Thompson knowing Tony Stark was his father threw him over the edge.

Peter couldn't stand it.

Tony didn't ever ask- he was bullied too as a kid, and simply abided by Peter's wishes to deal with it himself, simply cleaning him up and trying his best to lift his spirits.

What he didn't expect, was a rebellion.

It was cold that day, the wind slashing at Peter's face as he ducked inside the reception doors.

"Hey Puny. Puny Parker!"

The usual jeers came- Flash was waiting for him just inside the doors, waiting for him to arrive.

Peter tried his best to ignore the taunts, and the sideways glances the other kids in the corridor were sending him.

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