Little Stark and the Science Fair

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This, and the following chapters are my old drafts, and will be the final chapters of this story.

It was Tuesday.

To everyone else at Stark Industries and by extension the Avengers Compound, it was a quick, fast-paced day.

To Tony Stark? An hour long meeting couldn't have possibly stretched on any longer.

"For gods sakes Stark, stop fidgeting!" Natasha growled from her unfortunate seat next to him,

"Sorry." He mumbled, ceasing the movements of his hands and fingers, but his leg still bounced,

"What is with you man?" Clint asked, leaning back on his chair, despite Steve's avid warnings,

"What time is it?" Tony asked Bruce,

"Three forty two." He replied after a second checking his watch,

"Damnit, Steve, buddy, can we pick up the pace a little?" He practically begged, staring down the pile of thirteen case files and reports they had yet to go through,

"No, we have to do this thoroughly or we'll just be back here tomorrow." The tall blond said sternly, picking back up the file on illegal weapons manufacturing,

"I don't care if we're here tomorrow, I want us to finish today now." Tony growled, standing abruptly from his chair,

"Sit back down Tony." Wanda sighed, she couldn't be dealing with Stark today,

"Mr. Stark, it is my advice-" Vision didn't even get to finish his sentence before Tony had bolted from the room, seeing his window for escape, and shouting to FRIDAY as he ran,

"FRI, GET THE CAR READY!" He heard a trail of footsteps behind him and figured it was Bucky or Sam, as they ran the fastest, always trying to best each other,

"It is ready sir." FRIDAY said, just as Tony threw open the door, and, quite literally, jumped into his car, slamming on the accelerator as he sped away.

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