Sick Day... Trip Day

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-IronDad & Spiderson
-Implied Stony
-Domestic Avengers

Peter groaned from his place swaddled up under endless amounts of fluff and warmth.

"Mr. Parker, Miss Potts has requested you get ready for school now." The unimaginably loud voice of F.R.I.D.A.Y seemingly screamed in his ear,

"No..." He groaned out, the sound raspy, his nose wet, the vibrations of the busy floors around him thrumming through his skull.

"Shall I inform Miss Potts you are sick?" Peter let out another painful groan and stuffed his head under his covers,

"She has been told." F.R.I.D.A.Y informed him, a small ting in the air letting him know she had put their interaction on hold.

"Peter come on!" He suddenly heard Pepper's voice outside of his door,

"No slacking!" She called, knocking harshly,

"Ugh..." He mumbled, grabbing his duvet and top blanket, cocooning himself inside of them as he stumbled over to his door, cracking it open and wincing at the amount of light coming in,

"You're really sick!" She seemed surprised, letting herself the rest of the way in, instantly checking over his temperature, although his bright red face, messy hair, drooping eyes and runny nose made him look obviously sick.

"And you most definitely cannot go to school like that." She ordered sternly, turning the semi-conscious boy around forcefully.

"Bu-bu-t-t... Dec-th-an." Pepper sighed, feeling a pang of sympathy for the boy she'd unofficially adopted, knowing he really wanted to go to decathlon with Ned and MJ,

"No. Absolutely not mister, back to bed this instant." She spoke firmly but corralled him gently, managing to get him curled up under the covers once again, and set off to find Bruce, he could no doubt get Peter some medicine.

It didn't take her long to find the said doctor, as he always had an eight o'clock cup of tea in the avengers living room before he started his work at half past, and at that moment, it was quarter past, so she had plenty of time to find him.

"Hello Steve!" She chirped, staying optimistic, Peter just had the flu, she was sure he'd be fine in a few days maximum,

"Hello Miss Potts." He nodded his head on his way past, a towel on his shoulder and dressed in work out gear for the morning, it was obvious where he was going.

"Bruce?" She asked kindly, sitting herself across the coffee table from the man,

"Yes?" He asked in reply, looking up from his medical journal,

"Peter seems to have the flu, or a bad cold perhaps, would you mind checking him out?" The man simply shrugged in response,

"Is he awake?" She nodded slowly,

"Well... yes, but barely. He has a raging temperature, runny nose and confused speech, not to mention tired." Bruce nodded,

"Sounds just like he's got the bad end of a bug, nothing unusual at all. It's probably just the spider genes that are causing his body to force into hibernation to heal, an instinct humans do not share in this day and age." She nodded, this all sounded very reasonable and she was glad there was no reason to panic, except for when he woke up, he'd be mad he missed decathlon and school for those few days.

The first half of the day went well for Ned, even though Peter was on radio silence every time he texted or called, which made him worry, but he pushed it to the back of his mind for he only had decathlon and a few blocks to go before he could call in on Stark Industries on his way home to check up on his friend.

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