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This, and the following chapters are my old drafts, and will be the final chapters of this story.

-Stuckony Alpha/Alpha/Omega
-Actually no, this is probably weirder than the other ABO in my opinion. Sorry, personally don't like ABO, prefer soulmate AU's XD
Pet names:
Tony- Doll/Babe
Bucky- Love
Steve- Babe/Baby

Tony yawned loudly, rolling over in his bed, cuddled tightly in between Steve and Bucky,

"Morning doll." He felt a light kiss to his cheek, and by the deep, rough voice, he knew it was Bucky,

"Mhm..." Tony whined, nuzzling into Bucky's grasp, followed by a quiet chuckle from his other side,

"Morning Babe." Steve said, in his light, slightly higher voice, before Tony felt a large dip in the bed beside him, and heard pattering footsteps,

"Steve?" Tony finally blinked his eyes open, seeing his second Alpha pulling on a pair of blue plaid pyjama pants and a tight blue shirt,

"That's not yours baby." Tony commented, grinning to himself, as Steve looked down at it, realising it was Tony's, shrugging, and disappearing into the bathroom,

"C'mon." Bucky cooed, siding out of the bed and pulling his own pyjama pants on, solid black ones, and his own grey shirt.

"Fine." Tony huffed, stepping out of bed, already in his favourite Black Sabbath shirt and boxers,

"I'll get Win, you get Abe." Tony said quickly, leaving the room, hearing Bucky call out to Steve,

"Breakfast in ten!"

Tony smiled, he loved his two Alphas.

But, he also loved his two kids, who had rooms a little down from Steve, Bucky and his.

The first door read,
'Winter Maria Rogers-Stark-Barnes' Their 11 year-old daughter, biologically of Bucky and Tony.

The second read,
'Abraham Harley Rogers-Stark-Barnes' For their 9 year-old son, biologically of Steve and Tony.

Finally, the third door read,
'Peter Benjamin Stark-Parker' Though it's actual residence was away with his girlfriend MJ until tomorrow, Christmas Eve.

Stepping into the first room, themed with just grey and black, he stepped over the organised chaos of clothes, school books, stationary and electronics, lifting Winter out of her nest, a huge circle of blankets, pillows and sheets that she preferred to sleep in than her bed.

She yawned quietly, her mane of deep brown, almost black ringlets stuck up in all directions,

"If it isn't past twelve, leave me alone." She grumbled, but snuggled into his arms nonetheless

He noticed she wore one of his old shirts and smiled, tactically making his way back out of her bedroom.

Telling FRIDAY to close the door behind him, he saw Abe wandering out of his room, Bucky leaning with a smile on the doorframe,

"When's Petey gunna be back?" Abe asked, rubbing his eyes tiredly,

"Tomorrow." Win answered smartly, always wanting to best her brother,

"Don't be snarky to your brother, Winter." Bucky reprimanded lightly, the four of them slowly ambling towards the kitchen,

"Sorry Dad." She grumbled, jumping out of Tony's arms and leading the group towards the kitchen at a much faster pace, obviously intent on food.

She power walked to the island, and sat herself on the closest seat to Steve, who was frying up some eggs, and gave her a kiss on top of the head,

"Morning!" He smiled fondly at her and Abe, making his Alpha and Omega smile, Steve had always been the 'mama duck' of the group, and adored their children, not that Tony and Bucky didn't, of course.

Suddenly, there was the sound of scrabbling against the laminate (oh god, my million dollar wood) and Tony rolled his eyes, a huge golden, cuddly lump barrelling into the room, his tongue stuck out excitedly.

"'Pollo!" Abe cheered, his four year-old golden retriever, Apollo, jumping around at his feet happily.

Bucky shook his head- he still couldn't believe that Peter had gotten Abe a puppy.

"Come on Abe, stop playing with 'pollo, it's breakfast." Tony said quickly, him and Bucky sitting across from the two kids, Apollo seemingly understanding Tony and laying comfortably across Abraham's feet.

"Pops, d' you put maple syrup on my eggs?" Winter asked as a plate was placed in front of her brother,

"Of course." Steve smiled, placing her plate in front of her, before moving onto him and his husbands.

They were all sat, eating contently, when the elevator dinged, and Pepper (Auntie Pepper to the kids) walked in.

"Hey Pep." Tony greeted, abandoning his last half-egg to hug her briefly,

"Christmas party. I need the accepted venue list." She sighed tiredly,

"Pep, it's okay, I've got it all under control, honestly." She raised an eyebrow,

"Cross my arc reactor." He ended, drawing a pretend cross over his said arc reactor.

"Fine. No funny business." She said sternly,

"He won't. We're supervising." Steve called teasingly, and Winter giggled quietly,

"Good. And I mean it, all of you sneaky Starks." She joked, ruffling Abraham's hair as she walked out.

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