I think I'm going to be sick now

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-IronDad & Spiderson (Again, I know!)
-After Infinity War

"Mr. Stark!" Peter reformed in an instant, having been in constant struggle the days he was forced further and further into the soul stone,

"Kid!" Tony let out a cry of relief, flinging his arms around the young boy, forcing himself to not cry, he had to stay strong, he was Iron Man!

"M-Mr. Stark-" Peter had opened his eyes from his screams of pure agony and terror as he hugged his mentor, looking towards where Doctor Strange was stumbling off the ground, cuts adorning his face from his reform,

"Hey, it's cool dude." Quill- yes Quill, we couldn't exactly have two Peters, now could we- helped him stand, his golden 'sling ring' clutched preciously into his hand,

"The kid- oh thank god." He breathed out at the sight of the young and old men in front of him, neither wanting to let go,

"I don't want to let go Mr. Stark." Peter mumbled into his shirt as Tony tried to pull away,

"I'm so scared to let go." He confessed, terrified he would let go and disappear again,

"You're not going anywhere kid. I'm going to protect you forever." Tony hugged him tighter, easing the boy out of his grip to standing on his own swaying feet, a few stale cuts and bruises littering his body, but that was not his concern, everyone had cuts and bruises, it was the scared, painful look he gave the world they were on... Titan.

"Don't let me go Mr. Stark, please don't let me go again." He begged, clutching desperately for the man who had held him in his last moments, who had cried as he dissipated into the air,

"I won't kid, I won't, I'm here, I'm not leaving you." He held his arm over the kids shoulders, keeping him flinch to his chest as they weakly stumbled towards Doctor Strange,

"Hey spider kid, it'll be okay." Quill reassured, patting his shoulder gently, still aiding Strange in standing,

"Now let's go home, hey?" Strange suggested, lagging weakly, as his hands flopped dramatically, making a slack, optical of a circle, the place he knew would win the battle in mind- Wakanda,

"Jump as soon as I'm-" He didn't even finish his sentence as he dropped through the portal with Quill, Tony leading the shaking Peter through as he did so, nearly dropping him in the rush of colours that invaded his vision,

"Stark?" He groaned, feeling Peter still in his grasp as he lay on the scorched grass, Natasha above him,

"We're home kid." He told the spider-boy beside him, both simultaneously standing in shaky legs,

"Rocket, Groot!" Quill seemed genuinely excited to reunite with his team,

"Where were you?" Thor asked, it clicking that the two half's of the groups were together,

"A planet called Titan, we saw the future and how the battle would be won, and we fought Thanos before he got here." Strange filled in, the fresh, earth air rejuvenating all their senses,

"Oh god, Mr. Stark, I think I'm going to be sick now." Peter muttered, falling backwards into his butt, Tony's arm around his shoulders sliding away as he hung his head low, the mask still covering his face,

"You wouldn't be the first." Natasha gestured towards Bucky, who had been one of the first to disappear, who was emptying his guts next to Steve, into a shrub,

"Oh-" he scrambled towards a bush, throwing up into it until all he could manage was a dry heave, and he slumped backwards, feeling two metal hands under his armpits, lifting him back to his feet,

"Your Aunt is going to murder me Peter." Tony told him as the silence between the large group of heroes stretched on,

"Peter? Who's- why is there a kid here?" Steve asked accusingly, thinking the suit was familiar,

"Hey Cap... I'm that kid- ya know? Spider-man? The guy from Queens." He had become drowsy but was not being held up by Tony anymore,

"Tony how old is he?"

"I'm Sixteen." Peter answered for himself, huffing,

"Tony! You could get SUED! He could have died Tony!" Bruce cut in,

"I squashed you with a utility truck!" Steve burst out with in despair,

"Hey, Hey, Hey! Peter is a genius, just like me, but unlike me, he was bitten by a radioactive spider and got super powers, he's got a concussion, he's not helpless!" Tony defended them, seeing Peter begin to cower back into himself,

"And shut up!" Tony shouted, flinching himself when he saw how it affected Peter, but it was the only way to stop the arguing.

"Sensory Overload from his powers." Strange said, always having to be the all-knowing one,

"I-I'm sorry... Sta-Tony." Steve said, reaching out his hand for Tony to shake.

It wasn't just an apology for Peter, it was an apology for the way they acted, and a truce for what was to come in the aftermath of the click.

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