Spider-Stark said what?

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This, and the following chapters are my old drafts, and will be the final chapters of this story.

-10 year-old Peter
-Biological IronDad & Spiderson

Peter visited his Dad every Friday evening through to Monday morning, because that was May's relaxation time, to be alone in the apartment in pyjamas and watch movies.

It worked out well, especially since May could then mediate his school work and meet-the-teacher evenings without having to step into Tony's time.

And always wanting to see his 'kid' as he had began to dub Peter, Tony didn't mind if May took on an extra shift at the hospital and Peter had to stay during the week, even if he disapproved of her overworking.

In fact, today, was Friday, so Peter would go straight to Tony's after school.

Usually Happy would pick him up, or the school bus had a stop half a block down, so today, and in order to hang out with his best friend Ned more, he took the bus.

"I'll bring my Legos on Monday, and ask Mr. Harrison if we can use his room at lunch!" Peter cheered, his bag light on his back, only one sheet of Maths homework weighing him down,

"Yes! I'll bring the other set too! I'll see you!" He called, rushing off down the pavement to catch up with MJ and Wade, who both lived in the apartment building next to his, and were in the same classes.

Usually, Peter would walk with them to May's but tonight, obviously, was a Tony night.

His feet slapped rhythmically against the pavement, the huge Stark building only getting taller as he reached the doors, as always, crowded with reporters and journalists.

Though, he managed his way inside the building, thankful for the shaded glass, and slammed his head right into someone's side.

"OOF!" Peter stumbled backwards, his nose bright red and his bag plush beneath him,

"Man! Stop killing kids!" It was a sarcastic voice, and as Peter drew himself back up into a standing position, he looked at the people around him, gaping.

They were the people Tony was talking about to Pepper before their movie marathon last Saturday.

The Rogue Avengers.

Tony had PTSD and Anxiety because of what Mr. Steve had done to him.

"Y-Y-Y-" Peter was lost for words.

In one way, they were amazing celebrities, but on the other, larger hand, they hurt Tony.

His family.

His Dad.

And so what came out of Peter's adorable, pouty, ten year-old mouth, was the most obnoxious thing his innocent mind could think of,

"You guys suck."

Steve was taken aback by the boy's words, as were the others, they had been expecting praise or excitement.

Before anyone could respond properly, FRIDAY spoke up,

"Junior, I am obligated to inform you that protocol 11375, 'Spider-Stark said what?' has been activated." Peter blushed, looking flustered up at the security camera, mouthing a very dramatic,

"Don't you dare."

Before turning awkwardly back to the Avengers in front of him.

I'm sorry, Rogue Avengers.

"Son, you can't go around staying things like that to people." The tall, muscled blond man chided him, and Peter nodded furiously, he didn't mean to!

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