Father's Day

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-IronDad & Spiderson

"Come on!"


"Please! Please! Pleeeeease!" Tony sighed, Peter had been in low spirits as Father's Day was this Sunday, but immediately after Tony invited him to spend Father's Day with him, Peter had been begging to knew where they were going or what they were doing,

"Honestly, I'd have thought you a child." Tony huffed, having to actively turn away from Peter's puppy-dog eyes he knew he wouldn't be able to resist,

"I am a child Mr. Stark! But I'm your child! I'm the child that wants to know what your doing with him for Father's Day!" He begged, latched onto Tony's arm,

"Don't look at me like that, you're going to make me feel bad!" He grumbled, walking them into the living room,

"But please! Tell me where we're going! Please Dad!" Peter instantly stopped his constant begging as soon as the word slipped from his mouth,

"I-Ugh..." Tony looked up at him in hope,

"Peter... what did you just say?" He blinked, eyes widening,

"I-What? I said Tony, s-sorry Mr. Stark, won't happen again... Mr. Stark." He rambled, doing a salute, before cringing to himself, blushing and looking down, other arms stiff boards at his sides,

"Kid... did you call me Dad?"

"No. Of course not Mr. Stark!" Peter shouted, alarm making his arm-hairs bristle,

"Because I can get FRIDAY to replay-"

"I'm sorry!" He cried out suddenly, the both of them freezing; locking eyes,

"It... I'm taking you to the private forensic labs of the compound... son." He raised his arms awkwardly, shaking ever so slightly from nerves and fear of being rejected, even though at the time, he would have blamed it on the four cups of coffee he'd had prior.

Peter looked from arm to arm cautiously- confused.

Was this a hug?

Was this another 'open the door' moment?

He shook his head to clear his thoughts, and threw himself into Tony's arms, wrapping his own around the man,

"Thank you so much... Dad."

"No problem kiddo."

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