Harley Keener

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A/N: SO ITS BEEN A LONG TIME! This, and the following chapters are my old drafts, some completed, some not (though I wrote endings for most so they feel completed, they'll just be a little short) and will be the final chapters of this story. I love to hear from you guys and I'm so glad you all have shown me so much love and support!

It had been a long time since Harley had seen his Mechanic.

Three years, One month, Two weeks, three days, nine hours, four minutes and thirty one seconds.

For him, that was a long time.

They had occasionally chatted over the phone or exchanged an email or text, but that was the extent of it.

His Mom had gone out with her boyfriend, Jacob, who bless his soul tried his hardest to connect to the kid, but just couldn't understand his ways.

Needless to say, Harley didn't sleep in the house anymore, opting for the sofa in the garage.

"Amber, could you bring the iron core over here?" He asked his most trustworthy of creations, Amber, an AI based off JARVIS, however able to manifest in electrically operated objects, enabled by some of the scrapped code found on the Iron Man Mk. 42 HUD Tony had set him for his twelfth birthday,

"Of course, would you like your tools also?" He nodded,

"Mhm." A sudden jolt of electricity shot through the circuit boards of the garage, frying an old coffee maker and causing the machine with the core embedded inside of it to turn on,

"Put it through the blade." He instructed, before pulling off his headset, the faint calls of his sister for him to come inside,

"Finish up and switch off, would you?" He asked, strolling out of the garage and locking the door behind him- he didn't trust his family to not break anything or eat themselves blown up.

His sister was still standing at the door to the house when he got there, hopping from foot to foot eagerly,

"What?" Harley asked, walking inside and shutting the door behind them,

"I was working on a new project." He complained, flicking her on the side of the head and making his way to the kitchen- he would do with a sandwich.

"Living room." She said simply, before rushing off upstairs, leaving Harley alone in the kitchen,

"Living room?" He asked himself, placing one of Amber's buds in his left ear, swiping across his face to bring up the hologram, before making it go away, it wasn't useful right now,

"Amber, who's in there?" He asked, picking up one of his scrapped swords, which for all intents and purposes, was still a sword, swinging into the living room, baring it in front of him,

"Jesus Christ!" He cursed, letting the sword clang to the ground as he saw the Iron Man suit on his Mom's sofa,

"Language kid." Tony grunted,

"Shall I search for Jesus Christ on google?" Amber asked, a shot going through the computer monitor, before it powered on google and searched for Jesus,

"No! No Amber, no need." He switched the computer off with a jerk of his leg, knowing she would retreat back to the garage circuit boards before she was fried.

"An AI that can transfer its code? Impressive." Both boys nodded,

"Technically it's an upgrade to JARVIS..." Harley responded, flopping down into a chair of his own,

"Cool, that's cool." Tony paused,

"How's the tech going?" He asked,

"Amazing! Thank you Tony, thank you!" Suddenly the two were wrapped in each others arms and Tony found himself not wanting to let go of the boy who he considered his kid,

"But why are you here Tony?" He asked shyly, unsure of what this meant, did he want his stuff back?

"Well... I blew up all my suits, and it's my anniversary soon and I want to build a lens... like a contact! For my girl... so we can always talk and she can have an awesome AI too." Harley grinned,

"Are you trying to guilt trip me?" He asked, Tony shrugging,

"It was worth a try."

And the two laughed, they laughed for their tech, they laughed for their past times together, and for their new connection.

"Shhh, come on kid." Tony gestured the thirteen year-old into his lab, showing him around,

"Wow." Harley was impressed, and he thought his garage was amazing!

"So kiddo, what'd you bring for me?" Tony teased, opening one of the three duffle bags, seeing large parts that could never become a tiny lens,

"What's all this for?" He asked, pulling out what looked to be a giant, mechanical... paw?

"Don't touch that! Amber will shock you." Harley said, pointing at him, but not looking over,

"Anyways, here's all the stuff I was working on for the lens." Tony was instantly distracted, watching the reels and reels of code fly past his eyes,

"It just looks like JARVIS to me." He said, zooming in on a few different blocks,

"Wait- why is this all negative? If you repeat that in a loop with a positive variable the processor will be able to function a HUD and multitask installers at the same time." Harley nodded,

"Exactly why you are in charge Tony." He turned away,

"And since your working on that, I figured I'd finish up with this..."

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