Bloody Noses

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-IronDad & Spiderson
-Mild Swearing
-Post Infinity War

There was a constant dull buzz of chatter in the Compound, despite it being windy and rain-filled Friday.

All the staff, agents, and residents alike, were on a punctual schedule.


The 'Rogue Avengers' as the press had dubbed them, were returning.

Cleaners were in and out of rooms they hadn't unlocked for years, dusting, sweeping, tidying up for their old bosses.

Tony however, was holed up in his lab, all but knocked out cold, sprawled at a precarious angle across a leaning desk chair and the arm of his sofa, snoring heavily.

It had been days since he'd last slept, the anxiety chewing away at him.

Pepper was still away, finalising legal documents such as passports, drivers licences etc of the Rogue Avengers, that had been flagged due to their criminal status. And he missed her.

He had Peter, obviously, and Harley was due a visit soon, but he really did miss her.

As he slept at three thirty pm, and the Rogue Avengers landed in their jet, Peter strolled in the door.

He was listening to music on his StarkPhone, his bag on his back, his hoodie and scarf his only defence from the hideous weather.

But very much like everyone else, he was in a good mood.

Flash had been off sick all week, so he hadn't been picked on, Ned got a new Star Wars Lego set they had built, MJ had been well... herself, and to top it all off, he was spending his whole weekend with Mr. Stark.

The perfect week, in his eyes.

"Hey Hap!" Peter called, waving at the man as he passed him, not paying much attention to who the said bodyguard was leading around,

"Kid! Kid come back here!" Suddenly, Peter was yanked to the side, Happy looming over him,

"Whaaat? I'm on a roll Mr. Hogan, it's been such a good week, and I got a perfect score on my code, and Ned got some legos, and man, I feel great!" He rambled, silenced by a slight cough from Happy,

"All the other interns and available staff have been called off to fix the generator, I need a tour guide." Peter frowned, cocking his head to the side, looking around Happy to the patiently waiting Rogue Avengers.

Peter thought he was about to see red.

They were the cause of Mr. Stark's Anxiety, all he wanted to do was shove his fist into-

"Peter." He blinked at Happy's voice,

"Go." Happy pushed him lightly towards the group,

"Fine! Thanks a lot Mr. Hogan." Peter grumbled, looking at the time on his StarkPhone.

He glared, he was already five minutes late!

At this rate, he'd never have time to get through all the Star Wars films!

Rolling his eyes at his own thoughts, he finally looked up to the Rogue Avengers, seeing them awkwardly staring back down at him,

"Where'd you want to go?" Peter asked, trying his best to be polite, as May had taught him,


"Your living quarters? Great." Peter cut Steve Rogers off (Oh my god! I was just rude to Captain America!) and turned abruptly on his heel towards the elevator, standing inside and waiting impatiently for the group to follow.

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