Dr. Stephanie Rogers (WW2)

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So, basically, this is set during WW2, Stephanie is Pre-Serum, but Bucky has received it. He is Captain America, but when Stephanie gets the serum later once Bucky falls off the train, she takes on Captain America in his honour. And it turns out he commissioned Howard for a suit for her. Aka, now they both have serum and Bucky becomes the Winter Soldier. That's it. It's a fanfic premise I've been messing about with, and I've seen some similar, but not exactly the same. Anyways! On with the One-shot!
-Stucky Genderbend
-One cuss in the whole chapter

Bucky smiled tightly and nodded at Agent Carter, hoping she'd just be on her way, but she came over, and sat at his side.

"You okay?" She asked slowly and softly, very uncharacteristic of her, only making Bucky shoot her a grin,

"Honestly, Carter, I'm a big boy, I'll get over it." He told her, staring off into the rainy camp, pulling his coat ever so slightly closer to himself,

"I know, but, I'm in charge of your welfare, so I have to ask." She sighed, sitting back, further under the cover of the stage from the rain,

"And?" Bucky asked teasingly, waiting for her to say it.

She rolled her eyes, but opened her south again to speak,

"-And I care about you, Barnes." She ended, hitting his arm lightly,


The shout came, and suddenly, the two joking friends became blank soldiers, standing to attention.

It was moments like these that Bucky remembered they were at war, and thought of his Steph on the front lines, fighting to save every life in the trenches.

He wanted to protect her- that's why he was doing this.

"There's a strategy meeting in tent o' four. Get down there before I kick you down!" Philips bellowed, not saving any remorse for Bucky, who didn't take it personally and turned away from Agent Carter, and towards the tents.

"HALT!" Bucky dropped his leg, only turning his head to the side where Phillips stood,

"What was that?" Philips asked, almost mockingly, his red glinting in amusement,

"Yessir!" Bucky replied strongly, trying his hardest not to laugh as Philips turned his own head away slightly to speak to Agent Carter,

"I want Dr. Rogers in my office in the next to minutes or I'll fire her!" He practically screamed again, and Bucky felt his muscles all tense up,

"Sir?" Bucky found his lips forming the words before he knew what to do with them,

"What Barnes?" Phillips asked dangerously, glaring him down,

"Dr. Rogers-"

"Is a girl. You have a problem with that?" Phillips was obviously becoming irritated, and Agent Cater was staring him down indifferently, so he simply shook his head quickly, and began to walk away again.

Of course he didn't have a problem with it!

And if this Dr. Rogers was who he thought she was- Bucky looked over at T4, the infirmary, before looking back towards where he was going and faltering completely.

Just two paces from him, standing, gaping really, at him, was the small, lithe and scruffy girl he knew from Brooklyn.

She looked older, more mature, her blonde hair cut dead straight and at her shoulders, her blue eyes seemed darker, but she was evidently fitter and stronger, holding two large metal pails full to the brim with sloshing water.

He blinked, almost afraid she wouldn't be there when he did so, but she was still stood stock still across from him.

His face found a smile, not his usual, tight grin, but a warm, genuine gesture, looking her up and down.

She was wearing a loose undershirt- one of his, splattered with blood at the rim, and specks of grime, her trousers too long and rolled up at the ends, with large black boots he knew were stuffed with newspaper.

She looked so similar, yet so different.

"Steph?" His voice rang out in his ears, and the pails were dropped to the ground, arms suddenly encasing his torso.

On any other occasion, he'd have been annoyed at the transfer of sweat or dirt to his Captain America suit, but he couldn't find it in himself to care, and instead, brought his arms to wrap around her carefully, as if he might accidentally break her.

"Steph." He cried quietly into her ear, sure this time,

"Buck! Oh, Bucky!" She cried back, louder than him, burying herself further into their embrace,

"I love you." She mumbled, her sweet, soft voice distorted by the fabric of his suit,

"Oh, Steph... I love you too." Bucky admitted, his fists clenching in happiness, uncaring that he could feel the intent gazes of Agent Carter and Phillips on his back.

"I missed you so- and! Oh, and you haven't met any of the guys! Oh they'll love you! We're all going to the lines tomorrow, and they promised you they'd watch out for me! And I can't wait! And oh, Bucky! Bucky I've done so much, and helped so much! And Erskine, he was my mentor and-" She rambled on and on, unable to stop herself, pulling away from the hug to speak, gesturing wildly about.

But Bucky didn't care what she was saying, he'd try his hardest to remember it later, now was the time for just looking, admiring his love.

She was beautiful in that raggedy, boyish way that sent every man reeling. She was different in the best way possible to Bucky.

"Dr. Rogers." Phillips interrupted her, and Bucky shot him an accusing glance, he'd missed Stephanie's voice, and he wanted to hear more,

"Oh. Phillips, hi... err- sir." She mumbled, doing a half-hearted salute before silencing,

"You and Captain Barnes are aquatinted?" Agent Carter asked quietly,

"Acquainted? Buck, what'd you tell them about me?" She teased, elbowing his side lightly,

"Nothing, doll." Bucky rolled his eyes, the pet-name making her glare harshly, but Bucky just wanted to say it again, and he knew secretly she liked it,

"We're not just acquainted." Bucky continued,

"Dr. Rogers is my fiancé." He said, looking at Agent Carter expectantly, he didn't know how she would react,

"Huh." Was all she reciprocated,

"Mhm. Now, I have to go, Dernier has some medicine to be taking." Stephenie said sadly, picking up her pails yet again,

"Let me help." Bucky instantly said, expecting to be handed a bucket,

"No. I've got this Buck, go rest."

He blinked cluelessly, unsure of how to reply, before nodding and slinking off. Stephanie had always accepted help from him before, and vice-versa, so what made this time different?

He shrugged it off and sat under the edge of T9, staring down the blank doorway to the tent Steph had disappeared into.

"Don't be so down." He looked towards his bunkmate, Gabe,

"She's a woman in a man's job, I say her get on with it and prove the doubting assholes wrong." Gabe grinned, flopping down onto her pillow,

"Yeah." Bucky sighed, laying his own head down to rest, disappearing easily into dreams of his love.

And some point during the night, when he was half-delirious, he felt a dip in the bed, grinning as Stephanie's tiny frame curled in beside him.

"I love you so much Bucky." She has mumbled in his ear, as he groggily trier his best to respond, though it came out as incoherent mumbles.

But it was enough for both of them to sleep well.

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