Just Been In An Apartment Fire

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-IronDad & Spiderson

It had been a long day for Peter, Flash had been shooting snide comments about him all day, to which none of the teachers had bat an eyelid to, as per usual.

However, his so called 'guardian angel' MJ, the only person on the planet that could ever shut Flash up with a look, was away visiting her family in England.

So Peter was alone for the majority of the day, only seeing Ned at lunch and babbling on about 'Star Wars' until they were sent for clean up duty in the kitchens.

He hated that Flash put his name on that list.

But he could hardly refuse little old Margret when she had mentioned it to them, so he went every Friday and offered his services.

And after the whole classic ordeal of high school, he spent three hours assisting the Fire Department at an apartment building, saving some foster kids and their foster parents.

So yeah, Peter was tired. He had a thick burn under his eye and it stung more than he would like to admit.

Though, he thought, now he could have a relaxing weekend with his Dad and Pepper, working in the labs, swinging around the tower, watching movies, all his favourite things rolled into two days.

"Hey Karen, call me a car, would you?" He asked his AI through his prototype StarkWatch,

"Mr. Stark's self-driving StarkTech car is currently driving to your location." She informed him through his headphones, before continuing to blast ACDC in his hears at full volume,

"Here it is. Please enjoy your ride." She said as a shiny black car pulled up beside him, the passenger door swinging open as an invitation for him to hop in.

"Thanks Karen." He smiled, typing in his destination in his StarkWatch and pulling his seatbelt on, sitting back as they drove.

The streets were fairly quiet, for Queens, as rush hour had just about ended and the emergency services attending the fire call had all driven off.

"K?" He asked suddenly,

"Yes Junior?" He cringed at the nickname his Dad had no doubt set,

"What do you think will happen to Queens when I leave? Like for... college?" The AI was silent for a moment,

"Well, Junior, my systems data shown in a graph-" he cut her off quickly,

"No. No... not the graphs, like, will they all be okay?" He didn't know what he expected from the AI, she didn't have feelings nor a understanding of human nature,

"Yes. I do." She said without any of her usual ramblings, making Peter smile, maybe it wouldn't be so bad,

"We have arrived." This time, the voice was not Karen, but FRIDAY, his father's AI, proving to him that they had just pulled up in the Starks' private garage,

"Thank you girls." He nodded his head, stepping out the automatically opened door, flinging as it closed with a thud behind him, the sound louder to him than normal humans,

"Shall I take you to your personal floor Junior?" FRIDAY asked once he had gotten into the elevator.

He frowned, not her too?

"Ye-" He paused, his mind flitting to the crispy suit draped over his Chemistry books in his bag.

"No. To my Dad." I told her, seeing the sixtieth floor button lighting up in my peripheral, and groaning, we were on floor minus one.

One good thing about Stark Towers, while the elevators had no music, they were quick compared to other elevators, and he was only in there for a few minutes before he had arrived many floors up the building.

He spotted a room with the windows tinted and assumed his Dad had holed up in there with coffee and a project to get away from Pepper who was no doubt trying to make him go to presentations at colleges or other science and tech companies.

Peter slung his bag off his shoulder, unzipping it as he pressed his back against the door to open it,

"Hey Dad, I kinda turned my suit into a tortilla chip-" He paused as he turned, his eyes widening substantially.

What he had assumed was a harmless project, was actually the Avengers.

Boy, was he so screwed now.

"I-Uh..." Peter stood, his mouth parted slightly and his eyes wide,

"Hey kiddo." Tony laughed awkwardly at Peter from the other side of the meeting room,

"Who is this?" A bulky blond asked tentatively, a man easily recognised as Steve Rogers, or Captain America,

"Tony?" A red-haired woman demanded, looking between to two stunned people,

"Oh... well, you see-" Tony took five or so long strides to be standing with Peter, his arm around his sons shoulders protectively,

"He called you Dad." Steve pointed out dumbly,

"Yup." Peter rubbed the back of his neck awkwardly,

"Peter Stark." He introduced himself with a tiny wave,

"Hold on, suit?" A second blond finally joined in the conversing, again, easily recognisable as Clint Barton, or Hawkeye,

"Stark? Your son is a vigilante?" Tony seemed surprised that they were surprised,

"Yup, Underoos is my son." He replied, denying the face anyone spoke of the suit,

"Underoos? Peter is the spider kid from Berlin." Everyone glanced towards the scientist at the back of the room, his salt and pepper hair making him look older than he was,

"I crushed him with a jet bridge!" Steve suddenly burst out with in distress, thinking Tony would find a way to create another rift between them,

"It's all good Captain, I heal quick." Peter gestured to his uninjured body,

"Just been in an apartment fire." He felt his cheek, only a tiny cut where his huge burn had resided just twenty minutes ago,

"WHAT?" They all demanded, and Peter knew this weekend would be filled with the Avengers babying him.

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