Spider! (PT1)

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-Domestic Avengers
-IronDad and Spiderson (ish)
-300 words, sorry it's short

The Avengers has only just met Peter. They thought he was too young to be fighting, but any kid that could make the Tony Stark quit drinking and smile after what happened, they liked.

But what Tony and Peter hadn't said, was about his alter ego- Spiderman.

That was something the two decided to have fun revealing...

"So, what do you think? Like... should I just walk in... on the ceiling?" Peter asked Tony from where he sat, lounging on a web-hammock in the corner of his private lab,

"No. It needs to be big kid, like... extravagant." Tony span on his chair to face Peter, his brow furrowed in concentration,

"Ooh! Oh oh oh!" Peter shot up in his hammock, accidentally slamming his head against the ceiling,

"OH MY JEEZ!" He shouted, flopping back down into his webs with a grunt.

Tony simply laughed, shaking his head,

"You're too innocent." Peter could only glare,

"I had an idea!" He whined, kicking his feet towards Tony angrily,

"Okay, what is it?"


Tony looked into the darkened living room. The Avengers were all dotted around the three sofas, watching the flashing images of the film on the huge TV screen.

He smirked to himself, this was the perfect setting.

Peter was good at this!

He quickly pressed send on the text he had waiting on his phone. It read,

Go, Go Power Rangers!

Obviously, he came up with that sarcastic comment on a mission, and now seemed like the perfect time to initiate it once again.

I'm just a few moments, Peter, dressed in all black, crawled across the ceiling.

This was going to be good.

Tony stayed silent until he saw Peter poised above them, his face red like he was about to crack up.

Better hurry up then, Tony thought, and taking a long, deep breath, the exhaled it in the loudest shout he had ever made,


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