Class Reunion

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This, and the following chapters are my old drafts, and will be the final chapters of this story.

Peter was nervous to say the least.

It had been five years since high school and suddenly, out of the blue, he gets a message on his Instagram, from Mindy, one of his old Decathlon friends, that there's going to be a reunion in Ivyhall, an amazing hotel in the suburbs of north NYC.

Simultaneously he wanted to grin in joy and scream in fear.

That was when his husband Wade walked in the door, muttering about rude gunmen and nursing a hole in his chest.

"Babe?" Wade looked up to Peter suspiciously, eyeing the phone still raised in his hand,

"It's- There's- Class Reunion." Peter finally managed to stumble and spit out, still processing it for himself,

"Really? Thought everyone hated each other in high school. Why would you want a reunion?" He asked, blinking innocently as he pulled off his mask.

"Well... Yeah, but... but- they hated me 'cuz I was the scrawny nerd, not 'cuz I was Gay, or Spider-Man or a Stark." Peter replied, his eyes going wider and wider the more he realised he'd only done after he graduated school.

He owned a company now! He was on the news every other day for some 'scandal' or going to buy a pizza and not wearing a hoodie. Stupid stuff, as well as the serious company articles and such.

"Are you going to go then?" Wade asked bluntly, tossing his ammo bag and belt into the explosion-proof safe.

"I-I guess so." Peter decided, dropping his phone half-heartedly on the coffee table and staring blankly our their penthouse view, the day grey and miserable.

"When is it?" Wade continued his barrage of questions, kicking off his shoes in the direction of the rack at the door,

"Friday." Peter answered, dropping like a stone onto their sofa,

"Is it formal? Like suits?" Wade unsheathed his katanas and placed them in the second sink, turning on the water,


"Is it couples? Do I get to come?" Now Wade threw his katana harness into the bedroom, and began pulling off his shirt,

"Y-Yeah..." Peter trailed off, absently turning the water off the katanas.

This could be a disaster.

"Well, sleep on it, now c'mere Pete, I haven't hugged you all day." Wade whined, returning it sweatpants and a shirt, engulfing the smaller man in his arms,

"How was your day?" Peter asked, the two flopping into the sofa,

"Terrible. Horrible. Flabbergasting."

"Flabbergasting?" Peter asked skeptically,

"Eh. Dunno, just wanted to use the word." Wade shrugged, flicking the TV on and pulling Peter back to his side.

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