
30.9K 680 375

-Spideypool (18 + 21)
-Make-outs/ Implied sex
-Mild Swearing/ Bad language
-Stony Superfamily

"Hey baby boy, pepperoni or chicken?" Wade asked, wandering in a hoodie and jeans out of the kitchen, staring down the takeout menu,

"Mmm... can we just go tikka?" Peter asked from where he was strewn across Wade's sofa, his bag dropped at the apartment door and his chemistry book in his hands,

"Sure. Sounds good." Wade smiled, picking up his phone and pressing 1 on speed dial. Peter grinned, shaking his head slowly,

"Hello, yes this is Wade. Yep, the usual. Thanks!" He hung up quickly, and slid over to where his boyfriend was laying, lifting him up and onto his lap as he sat,

"I missed you all day." He mumbled softly, kissing Peter's neck,

"Me too, Tiger." He groaned, leaning down and cupping Wade's face with his small hands, taking his lips slowly, stretching out the moment,

"Mmph... baby boy..." Wade grinned into the kiss and his hands found Peter's hips, his fingers running up and down the others torso.

Peter moaned and his hands became lost in Wade's hair, tugging and pulling as the two became flush against each other, Peter straddling over Wade, pushing him back into the sofa.

They kiss became a battle for dominance, escalating quickly. Peter's shifting became wild and his hair flipped to the wrong side, his shirt riding up to his pecks, Wade's hands all over his stomach and squeezing his butt,

"Careful sugar." Peter teased Wade from his heavy breaths, one hand resting tentatively over the older boy's shirt hem.

Wade locked eyes with Peter, grinning sadistically,

"Are you asking me pizza or sex?" He mused, and Peter giggled, his cheeks blushing deeply,

"You taste better than pizza." Wade shrugged, lifting his baby-boy up, carrying them into the bedroom as their kissing ensued more and more...

Peter groaned loudly, attempting to bury himself further into Wade's thin white sheets,

"Why do you insist on such thin sheets?" He asked Wade, who was wandering out of the bathroom, shirtless in a pair of red sweatpants,

"Because then I can see your sexy ass through the sheets." He joked,

"And those hips, mhm, you look so good." Peter rolled his eyes at the comments, knowing Wade could see his entire naked form under the sheets, but he didn't care, it was nothing the man hadn't seen before anyways.

"By the way, your phone went off a minute ago." The older man said, leaving the bedroom to presumably pick up the pizza that had been dropped at the door a few minutes after they went into the bedroom.

Peter took a few minutes before he reached out blindly for his phone, grabbing it easily from the nightstand, which was really two cardboard boxes taped together.

He stared blankly at the screen for a moment while his eyes adjusted, only to see twenty two texts from his Dad, and fourteen calls from his Pops.

He was so screwed when he got home.

But until then, no one would bother him here, he hoped.

"Karen?" He asked suddenly, his phone screen shining to life again,

"Yes Peter?"

"Can Dad you know... see my location with my-" There was suddenly a pounding knock at the door,

"OPEN UP!" Oh god, Peter scrambled to cover himself as he heard the door being thrown open, and in all but a moment, he was sat, the sheets bundled up to cover his privates, looking shocked at his Dad and Pops,

"Umm... hey guys." Peter laughed awkwardly, and his Pops looked terrified, this was the last thing he had expected from his eighteen year-old son,

"Well shit." Dad swore, lightly for him, but was still given a reprimanding glare from his husband,

"You spent the night with a girl." Dad said, stating the situation bluntly,

"You know kid, it's customary for the man in the relationship to take the girl to his bed for their first-" he gestured to Peter,


Peter grew very red, and subtly tried to reach for his clothes,

"Good thing I'm not a girl then. Honestly, I'm flattered, my mother always said I had a successful feminine side, I even went through a princess phase, you know, grew long hair, adored pink." Peter cursed heavily, and Pops gave him a heavy glare, his mouth of a sailor was not helping his case,

"Wade." Peter groaned, running a hand through his hair with a groan, of course he hadn't left yet,

"Mhm, keep going baby boy, just like last night." Peter's face went bright red, and he quickly snatched up his shirt, pulling it on, before Wade could make a comment about nudity,

"A guy?" Dad seemed confused,

"Peter, son, are you-" Wade cut him off,

"Gay? Peter is so gay he should have a rainbow spider suit for parades." Peter hit Wade on the arm harshly, not that his boyfriend was standing next to him, and possibly ruining his relationship with his fathers,

"Ow! Violence! I feel violated!"

"Wade, shut up." He said as the other man began to grumble about violence,

"Peter, get dressed, we're having a long talk about this son." Pops used his Captain America tone, and Peter obeyed, he was already in enough trouble for staying out all night, so he settled for pulling on his underwear and jeans, grabbing his phone and wandering cautiously out of the bedroom.

They were still there, looking about at the rundown apartment, Dad trying to explain to Pops that is isn't as bad as it looks, but failing. Pops is very old fashioned and did not like the idea of what Peter was doing.

"Hey guys." Peter looked up, his brown eyes wide with apologies,

"So, Peter, you're gay." Dad stated simply, and Peter nodded,


"Son, you didn't have to hide this from us. Come on, do we look Homophobic?" Pops asked teasingly, and the obvious answer was no, because Pops and Dad were two gay, married men.

"Sorry." He mumbled softly,

"And this Wade character, what's going on here? Is he just... because you couldn't tell us or-"

"No! No! Wade is my boyfriend Pops! We're actually dating, like properly." He insisted, waving his hands to stop his father from thinking bad, bad thoughts,

"Awww, sweetie, how cute." Wade commented, walking from the bedroom and into the kitchen, the sound of his opening a pizza box evident in the background,

"Baby-boy, we never touched the pizza, you're mean, giving me a sex ultimatum. Who wouldn't want this delicious pizza?" Peter groaned, this was going to be a long day.

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