I'm sorry Petey

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-IronDad & Spiderson (SORRY!)

"Hey Pete." It was Steve and Bucky. No one else got up at seven other than them three, and Peter was only up because he had to go to school.

His phone tinged in his pocket, it was a group chat, so he ignored it, it could probably wait.

Putting his phone down on the table; it lit up a few times before silencing,

"There are some pop tarts on the counter. Already toasted." Bucky said, him and Steve sitting down on the table,

"Hey Peter, someone's calling you." Steve called,

"It's umm... Spideychelle?" He asked, confused, and Peter instantly slid back into the room, grabbing his phone, and pressing answer,

"Hello?" He asked, confused, MJ never called him,

"I'm in crisis." She said bluntly,

"So like... you need a pencil? Or a mirror?" He asked, referring to her crisis drawings,

"Ugh! You're so dumb Peter, look at your texts next time-" She sighed from the other end of the phone,

"I need a ride to school, I was too busy organising our Decathlon arrangements to catch the bus." Peter rolled his eyes,

"And you called me? For what reason, I don't even own a car."

"Figure it out, loser."

"What's with the loser? Is this some twisted way of saying thank you?"

"Why would I be trying to say thank you? You haven't picked me up yet."

"But I don't-"

"Twenty minutes loser, you know my address." Peter heard a beep on the other side- MJ hanging up.

"Ooh, does Peter have a girlfriend?"


Gwen had come over, they were doing their history project together, as it was eachother or two of Flash's goons.

They chose eachother for obvious reasons.

"Hey guys, this is Gwen." Peter grumbled as he came inside, Gwen smiling as she followed behind,

"The girl you picked up on Tony's car?" Steve asked, grinning,


"Who'd you pick up in Stark's car?" Gwen asked curiously,

"MJ, she was in crisis." Gwen nodded, braking a smile

"She need a pencil and mirror too?"

"That's what I said!" He grinned, shaking his head,

"So, Gwen and I are going to work on our history project." He said innocently,

"Sure mate, be safe." Clint joked from his perch in the top corner of the room, watching the two go,

"She's totally his girlfriend."


"Come on, Gwendolyn." Peter teased, sitting, laughing with her on his bed,

"OWCH!" He shouted as she threw a fist into his stomach,

"Come on Gwyneth, I'll take you home." He offered, and she nodded, grabbing her binder and following him back into the living area,

"So what's with the Gwyneth?" She asked, and he shrugged,

"Dunno Gwendoline." He shrugged, switching names again,

"Stop it Petey!" She hit him again,

"Jeez Woman, you're as bad as MJ. Why don't you go and hit your boyfriend?" He whined,

"Harry is NOT my boyfriend Parker!" She growled, before getting a text,

"Second thoughts...?" Peter teased, he knew who it was,

"I want all the details!" He called as she got into the elevator, Pepper coming into the room behind him,

"No way in hell Parker!" She called, still walking,

"I'll break down that wall yet, Gwyneth!" He shouted at her receding figure,

"Good luck Petey!" The elevator doors closed and Peter turned around with a goofy grin, excited for his friends,

"She's so his girlfriend." Sam said, walking from the kitchen and into the private areas, not even looking towards them.


"Yeah Liz, I miss you too." He said, laying across the sofa in Bruce's lab, Natasha and Bruce himself across from him at a desk,

"Of course you do- your only friend is Ned."

"Oh! You haven't met Harry yet, have you, and his girlfriend Gwen."

"No, who is he?"

"My childhood friends, they're a power couple if I've ever seen one."

"Hey Peter, Liz has to have dinner with her cousins and aunt now, she'll call you later."

"Hey Mr. Toomes, I'll call you later Liz, there aren't enough hours in the day to chat with you."

"Stuff it Peter, Bye."


He sat up, wandering out of the room, hearing Natasha and Bruce's mutterings,

"She's totally his girlfriend."


"So kid, the group are all pestering me about your girlfriend." Tony said, and Peter nearly choked on his drink- why had they mentioned it to Tony?

"I-I don't have a girlfriend."

"You break up?"

"I've never had a girlfriend." Tony paused for a moment,

"What about MJ or whatever?"

"I'm not exactly her type." Peter grumbled,

"What's that supposed to mean?" Tony asked, confused,

"It means, I'm not a girl." Oh. Tony nodded,

"And Gwen is dating Harry." Peter continued, almost in a scattered rant,

"And Liz... I'm not into her." Tony nodded along,

"As in? What, you're gay? 'Cuz kid, that's completely okay, in fact, like dude, I'm not completely straight." He admitted,

"N-No... I mean... kind of... Tony, I'm a Gay Asexual." They both stared into each others eyes almost unblinkingly,

"So... how does that... work?"

"Well, I like boys, I date boys, obviously, I mean, I just don't want to have... sex with anyone. Like, I'm uncomfortable even kissing them to be honest." He paused,

"I'm sorry." His huge brown puppy eyes looked about ready to burst into tears, and had Tony a strong sense of guilt and want to protect his kid,

"C'mere, let's watch Star Wars or something." He said, taking Peter into a huge bear hug, their father-son emotions loud and proud, and that night, Peter had more fun than he'd had in months, with his Dad.

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