Meeting the Family

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This, and the following chapters are my old drafts, and will be the final chapters of this story.

It's all about family in this one. I've had this request for a while but had no idea how to write it. From ThorTheThot
-Irondad & Spiderson

Peter couldn't sit still.

His feet were tapping relentlessly against the floor and his fingers were wrung around each other.

"Calm down kid." Tony smirked, a hand protectively on his shoulder.

"T-Thanks..." Peter mumbled, stumbling over his words and unable to force a coherent sentence out of his mouth. This was it. He'd never met his father before. This was crazy. He hadn't believed it when Mr. Stark had sat him down in the lab with Bruce and told him. They'd been doing a DNA test on Loki, to find out more about how the Asgardian genetics differed from humans. Thor hadn't been there, and Loki, serving his punishment of helping the Avengers he once tried to destroy, offered himself up.

Needless to say, they'd taken the blood and FRIDAY had been hesitant to tell Mr. Stark that the blood matched the few bags they had from Peter in storage incase he was seriously hurt during a fight. They'd done it with all the Avengers.

And now he couldn't believe that he was being taken to his father the man who had never been mentioned. Richard Parker was his first Dad, and then Mr. Stark in a way.

But his father.

Peter didn't know if he could do it.

"I-I don't know if I... can..." Peter looked up to Tony for help, his eyes wide.

Tony sighed, taking a seat next to him, "You can do this kid. I know you can. But if you don't want to, we can turn around. No questions asked. If we're landing and you don't want to, we'll go back. If you're half way into the building and you don't want to, we'll go back." He promised.

Peter nodded, looking down at his scuffed no-longer-white white trainers.

Tony didn't speak to him after that, sensing Peter needed to gather his own thoughts, and rationalise what Loki was going to be like.

Tony also knew he was selfish and Peter was his kid. Loki might be the reason Peter has his powers, but he was the reason Peter hadn't died, to put it frankly.

Though, he didn't look half as scared as Peter.

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