Spidey-Suit Redo

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So this wasn't necessarily requested but I saw a comment by kittykrisslovesMC and it made me smile, so I'm going to write it.
-IronDad & Spiderson
-Mild to average swearing
-Mild fluff

It was June.

Specifically, the first of June.

Which to most people, marked a usual month of work, school or perhaps a day or two on the beach.

But to Peter?

Oh boy, did he have plans.

To him, June was a month of crazy totally PG parties, exciting outings with his friends and many, many elongated pizza nights with his boyfriend.

Guessed it yet?

June is Pride Month.

He knew there wasn't any other (at least openly) gay superheroes, and he felt like it was about damn time he either:

A) Screwed something up big-time.


B) Gave people something more to relate to.

And once he told Wade? There were tactics, battle cries and war plans.

They had the whole thing planned out to the 'T' except one thing.

One tiny itsy-bitsy detail- something Peter was going to surprise his boyfriend with.

And thus- he went on his own mission one afternoon, on the first of June, down into the hellish and weirdly inviting lab, belonging to the one and only Tony Stark.

"Mr. Staaaaark!" Peter called, dragging out the middle of his name for emphasis as he trudged into the lab,

"Hey kid." Tony replied easily, not looking up from his project.


Wondering around and pretending to be super intrigued and focused on the items in the room, namely a spanner and pile of bolts, because other than those few stragglers, Tony's lab was oddly tidy, and for a few moments he swelled on that fact, before realising Bruce had arrived recently, and probably tidied it all up.

"Stop it." Tony muttered,

"Stop what?" Peter asked, using his voice to mask the sound of his footsteps,

"Thinking so hard- you're creeping me out kid." Tony paused, before finally looking up,

"Did you break something?" He asked seriously,

"Wha- N-N-No!" Peter said, twitching and jumping about, inching closer to his goal, accidentally knocking an empty glass of water (Yes, water, Tony had been sober six months now) onto the floor,

"Well, now I have." Peter muttered, Dum-E quickly sweeping away the mess and playing with it awkwardly in the corner,

"Seriously- what the hell is wrong?" Tony demanded, standing up,

"Nothing. I just need- t-to go on patrol early, I heard some stuff on the police frequency and-" Peter rambled, looking down at the suddenly very interesting floorboards, before his vision went black,

"Oof!" Peter threw out his arms to steady himself, ripping the fabric off his face,

"Hey!" He huffed indignantly,

"Sorry not sorry." Tony shrugged, turning back to his desk, Peter sulking out of the room, his suit now in tow.

Managing to get back to his room, a converted guest room, he tossed the limp spandex down on the bed, looking at it.

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