Chapter 1

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In this fanfiction, Will and Gilan are around 16 (Percy Jackson's age), and Halt is 20. This happens before The Royal Ranger and Trials of Apollo, but after The Emperor of Nihon-Ja and The Blood of Olympus. Alyss and Will aren't married, and Halt and Pauline aren't married. Ages and pretty much everything is the same for the PJO characters. I really suggest reading Ranger's Apprentice and Heroes of Olympus/Percy Jackson before reading this fanfiction as it will contain spoilers and there will be some parts where I assume you know what happens. Thank you for reading and hope you enjoy it!

Gilan's POV

Gilan had problems.

Nobody, not even Halt, or Will, or even his parents, knew about it. He loved darkness. He always found peace in it, and it helped him think. It always helped with his unseen movement, which was why he excelled at it. He could even teleport in shadows, but he didn't want to tell anyone, otherwise, they'd think he wasn't sane. Sometimes, he wasn't even sure if he was.

Which was why he volunteered to explore the dark caves. Now he could think about his problems in peace, without Will's constant questions and Halt's sarcastic remarks. Although he loved being with the two, they just didn't understand his problem.

He was glad for this break. The only reason why they were off duty was that the younger ranger apprentices needed to practise on some of the larger fiefs. Of course, their mentors would help, but the apprentices would get the experience they needed. Crowley had allowed them for a short holiday, and he offered them to help with his paperwork, which they politely (or in Halt's case not-so-politely) declined. Gilan was glad that he wasn't the Ranger Commandant; there was just too much work, and he'd never live it though. Anyway, Halt didn't believe in the word "holiday" and demanded that Will and Gilan help him figure out the mystery of the island. The island was rumoured to have sorcery on it, though what sorcery they weren't sure. It was an old problem as it wasn't urgent or important, but now that they had free time on their hands, Halt decided it was important enough to skip their holiday to do it. "And this way you won't forget everything I taught you two in a week." To get to the island, they needed help from his friends, the Heron Brotherband to get there, and he enjoyed talking with them, while Thorn constantly commented on Halt's seasickness. Despite Halt's constant remarks that "It's NOT a holiday!", Gilan was happy. He got to spend time with his best friends, and he got time to think about his problems.

He froze.

A dim light came from the wall, and Gilan knew it hadn't been glowing before. He went closer and examined it. There was a blue glowing triangle carved into the wall. Gilan immediately ran out of the cave back to where Will and Halt were arriving at the campsite. 

"Found anything? I've got nothing." Will shook his head to Halt's question, but Gilan pursed his lips and nodded. 
"I found a glowing blue triangle carved into a wall in a cave. You should come to check it out." Gilan led them back to the place where he found it, but it was gone. 
"Really, Gil, this is the worst practical jo-" the blue triangle lit up. Will's eyes opened in shock and looked at Halt, whose face was unreadable apart from his raised eyebrow. Gilan reached out hesitantly and pressed it, and the floor opened next to them, leading to a staircase that went underground. 
"Should we go?" Gilan asked.
"It's morning, so there will be plenty of daylight. Not that there'll be a difference underground." Halt led the way and looked back at the two.
"If you guys don't want to come, you can stay here until I come back." The two immediately hurried up to Halt, and the stairway closed behind them. On the wall where the stairway had been, there was the same glowing triangle they had found in the wall in the cave. Gilan pressed it again and the stairway opened up again.

"At least we know we aren't locked in here." He pressed it again to close it, and they looked around to find themselves in a long empty corridor that led as far as they could see both ways. It was brightly lit up with torches, with bland gold walls, and random corridors were intercepting their corridor. Their bows were slung over their shoulders, along with their two knives in their scabbards. They wore their dark mottled green cloaks, but they doubted it would do much good in the brightness of their surroundings. They decided not to bring any food as they decided not to stay down for too long. 

"It's sand," Will stated the obvious.
"Figured that out all by yourself, did you?" Will rolled his eyes.
"I mean, we might get lost here. We should mark our place." Will pulled out a twig and marked it on the floor. "Let's go." They made their way down each corridor, Will marking their way every time they reached a turn, occasionally backtracking when they reached the dead end. 

They had walked for quite a while and there hadn't been anything different from the golden walls and random corridors. "Let's turn back. There's nothing here anyway." They were about to go when Gilan noticed something on the wall. 
"Hey, Halt, Will! Look what I found!" He gestured to the same glowing triangle they had found earlier. "Have we gone in circles?" He looked at the ground but could see no discreet mark on the floor that indicated they had been there. There wouldn't be any footsteps because they didn't want to get tracked in case something else was down here. Gilan looked at the others and pressed the triangle, and a staircase opened upward, revealing daylight.

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