Chapter 18

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"Annabeth, they're coming again!"

Annabeth looked up, to see Travis pointing at the emerging cloud of dust gathering from the incoming stampede just beyond the horizon, toward their barrier. Her face betrayed no emotion, but internally, she was worried.

"Too soon," she muttered to herself. "Too soon. They weren't supposed to attack again for a few more days after their supposed victory." 


She shivered but stood tall and addressed her speculating audience, watching the dust cloud anxiously, waiting for instructions. 

"All right, listen up. They're coming already, and we're not ready. We've lost both Nico and Gilan, who won't be back until tomorrow if they stuck to the schedule. Which means Camp Jupiter will arrive a day late, just in time to-"

"See our destruction?"

Annabeth smacked Percy. "Not helping, seaweed brain," she murmured to him. "What he means is, they'll arrive just in time to help if we last more than day."

"Because that sounds more reassuring that just in time to see our destruction," Connor whispered to his brother. Annabeth was tempted to smack him, but he was far at the back.

She didn't have to. Jenny had her ladle, and she grinned at Annabeth. Annabeth mustered up a smile for the seemingly bright chef. She knew Jenny was worried for Gilan, but was hiding it well, or was used to it. After all, Gilan was a ranger. 


Damn, Annabeth, focus. 

She cleared her throat. "Anyways, I want the Hephaestus Cabin with the Zeus Cabin to ensure the barrier stays up for as long as possible. Yes, Thalia, this includes you. I know you're not a camper now, but this is important." Her lips tilted upward at her friend's rolled eyes. "GO!" she urged them when they responded too slowly. They hurried out.

Halt stepped out of the shadows next to her and gestured for her to come closer so he could tell her something. 

Annabeth! How could you not notice he was there the ENTIRE time?

He's trained for this stuff, that's why.

Well, so are YOU.

"Are you done mentally arguing with yourself?" The snarky voice brought her out of her inner thoughts, and she jerked violently. 

"I was NOT!" Her voice came out a pitch higher, and she knew if Percy were listening, he'd have a field day with it. Thank goodness for ADHD.

Halt smirked, but let it slide. He whispered something in her ear, and her eyes widened, grinning.

She gestured to the person closest to her-which happened to be Clovis. "Clovis! Get Leo and tell him if he doesn't get here right now, I'll be mad." Clovis saluted and sleep-ran off, turning those around him dreamy-eyed.

"Why?" Oh, so Percy was listening after all. 

"I need him to do something important."

Hi people! Sorry for not updating for ages, I completely forgot about this story 😂😂.  Make sure to comment, like, and vote. (Every time you do it, it pops up in my email and I'll be reminded to continue the story 😆).

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