Chapter 2

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Gilan POV

The trio climbed up the stairs.

"Where are-?" Will was interrupted by the recognizable sound of a bow and arrow, followed by many loud squawks from birds. They quickly ran toward the sound and found themselves with an unusual sight: a couple of girls in silver were shooting some human-sized red birds with large talons, metal beaks, and razor-sharp wings. The girls' aim was incredible, but there were just too many birds, poking at their armour with their beaks, which miraculously seemed to dent it. The birds quickly overwhelmed them, and the girls were soon surrounded, fighting desperately. Quickly, Will, Halt and Gilan got out their bows and shot them down until there was none left. Only then were they able to look at the girls in detail.

There were about 20 girls, but the trio looked at the girl at the front, who they assumed was the leader. She had spiky jet-black hair and a black leather jacket. She and the other girls wore a silver circlet on their heads. They all carried longbows, which disappeared as soon as they slung them on their backs.

"You could see them?" the girl asked.
"You're welcome. And no, we definitely didn't see hundreds of red birds attacking you, and you shoot them with your silver arrows. What do you think?" Halt muttered. "Of course we saw them!"
The girl showed the barest hint of a smile. "I like you. Are you demigods?"
"What are demigods?" Will asked.
Thalia was confused. "But all of you could see those birds, right?"
"Well, yes. By the way, where are we? Are we somewhere in Araluen? Gallica? Celtica?"
"Araluen? Gallica? Celtica? What's that? Anyway... you must be demigods. I'll take you guys to Chiron."
"How can you not know what Araluen or Gallica or Celtica is?" Will asked.
"I've never heard of it. By the way, I'm Thalia Grace, lieutenant of the Hunters of Artemis. You know, the goddess from Greek myths."
"What's Greek?"
"You don't know where Greece is? I'll tell you later when we're walking." The girl was confused.
Gilan decided to introduce himself. "I'm Gilan Davidson. That's Will Treaty, and that's-"
"Halt Arratay." Halt took Thalia's held out hand and shook it. She then shook hands with Gilan and Will. Gilan noticed her hands were firm. He praised the hunters, "You're pretty good with a bow." Halt grunted, obviously thinking 'They were mediocre.'
"You're not bad for a boy either." She smiled. "Come on. I'm going to bring you to Camp Half-Blood. We're going there anyway."

Will couldn't hold back his questions any longer. "What's a demigod? What's Camp Half-Blood? Who's Chiron? Who's Artemis? What's Greece? What are the Hunters of Artemis? What were those birds? Why were they attacking you? How did you learn how to shoot a bow? What-"

Thalia made a slow down gesture and looked at Halt and Gilan, grinning. "Is he always like this?"
Gilan smirked. "It hasn't even started yet."

After explaining the entire Titan War, Gaea War, Greek myths, Gods and answering every single of Will's questions, the three rangers finally somewhat understood what a demigod is. In return, they told the Hunters of Artemis where they were from, and all about them.

Gilan summarised, "So, you are saying that we are now in the 21st century, and we just went forward in time about two thousand years. Then, there are 'Greek gods' which are myths that people used to believe in, but they aren't myths and our parents are one of those Greek gods, meaning, we may or may not have some sort of power depending on our god parent. You guys are the Hunters of Artemis serving under the goddess Artemis. We are now going to Camp Half-Blood where a lot of demigods are staying, but there is also another camp called Camp Jupiter in a place called New Home."
"New Rome."
"Ah, okay. New Rome. Then a couple of years ago, there was the Titan war, and this Percy Jackson defeated the Titan Kroncos-"
Halt continued. "Yeah, okay, Kronos. And even more recently, Mother Earth or Gaea woke up, but then this Leo Valdez character brings her up to the sky on this bronze flying drakong-"
"Whatever. So he brings her up to the sky on this bronze flying dragon-thing, and this Piper McLean character charm speaks or something like that to Gaea and makes her sleep, and Leo Valdez makes an explosion and pretty much Gaea is back in a coma again. But then this Leo Valdez character dies, but is somehow alive and sent a message to Camp Half-Blood, and he rescued this Goddess-Titan woman called Calypso from an island she couldn't escape. Huh. Okay."

A couple of minutes later, they had made it to Camp Half-Blood. There was a pine tree with a golden fleece that looked like it held the camp's barrier, and a creature sat under it-according to Thalia, it was a dragon. When Will asked about it, Thalia muttered "I'll tell you later."

When they got there, they were introduced to the centaur, Chiron, and camp director, Mr D or Dionysus. "Ugh. I guess I must do it. Welcome to Camp Half-Blood. Hulk Arravus, Gilbethan Duckison, Wind Trecky-"
"It's Halt Arratay, Gilan Davidson, and Will Treaty." Halt stared down Mr D. "It's not that hard to pronounce."
"Yeah, yeah, whatever. You will stay at the Hermes cabin until you are claimed. Now, shoo."

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