Chapter 9

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Third Person POV

Nico had taught Gilan how to use his powers, and now Gilan was successful in being able to shadow travel and control shadows. 

Although he did sidetrack to China.

He couldn't bring up the dead, though. Even when he concentrated and tried his best. 

After spending two hours on it, he admitted defeat.

"I give up." Gilan sighed. "This is not possible. I'll do it later." There were so many cracks in the floor from when Nico had summoned them. He was walking with Nico back to the cabin when the Aphrodite girls came up, giggling. 

Gilan groaned. "Oh no. Not again. I wish I were invisible so they wouldn't keep following me. It's annoying." He ran toward the cabin quickly before they could ambush him, running while looking back to make sure they hadn't followed him. He didn't bother to look forward as he had his hand out in front of him. As he looked back, he saw the Aphrodite girls turn away, and Nico was following him. Nico yelled "Look out!" just as a black wall came in between them. He stopped in confusion. What just happened? He looked around, and he was in his cabin. But the door was closed; how did he get in? The black wall was just the wall of the interior of the cabin.

Nico burst in. "How did you do that?"

"Do what?"

"Y-y-you just ran through the wall! Like it was an illusion!" Nico placed his hand on the wall Gilan had just run through, but it was solid. "Walk into it."


"Walk into it. Like it's not there."

Gilan frowned, placed his hands out in front of him, and walked towards the wall. His hands touched the wall, which was solid. He looked questioningly at Nico.


Nico sighed. "Pretend that wall isn't there. Walk through it."

"You do realize that you can't walk through walls? It's solid, you know."

"I know that!" Nico snapped, his patience running out. "I can't walk through it, but you can! Just get on with it!"

Gilan hurried to the wall once more, but this time his hands went right through. He blanched in surprise, stumbling back. He looked at his hands in fear. "Wh-wh-what just happened?"

Nico grinned. "That's why you couldn't summon skeletons! That's not your specialty. Your specialty is walking through things! Like the ghosts in the underworld."

The Stolls burst into the cabin. "Gilan, I've got a couple of ideas for some pranks-" Travis froze when he saw Nico. "Uh...hi Nico. We'll just go now." They backed out slowly.

"Wait! I've got a new power, and I figure we can make use of it for some pranks since no one else knows about it. Nico, you can join us if you want."

Nico grinned. "Alright, fine. I'm in. Now, what's the plan?"

Thalia burst in.

Gilan groaned. "Why is everyone bursting in here?"

Thalia ignored him. "Gilan, we're gonna have a shootout in 5 minutes. See you at the archery range."


It was Thalia and two other hunters vs the rangers. Bets were being made about how much faster Thalia would be than the rangers, as no one bet for them. It just wasn't possible to beat the Lieutenant of the Hunters of Artemis.

They each had a bow and three arrows, with one target in front of them.

Annabeth was judging again (she was probably the fairest, even though she was still biased).


Halt's arrow thudded against his bullseye, followed by Gilan's and Will's. Two more of their arrows were soon followed. Thalia had shot an arrow in the bullseye, and the other hunter's arrows were on their way. Everyone gaped at them, jaws on the ground.

Halt had beaten Thalia by one whole second. 

Halt's bullseye was filled with five arrows. Gilan and Will's had four, and Thalia had two. The other two hunters had one.

No bets were passed out because none of them had bet the Rangers would win.

Percy was barely surprised. He wasn't sure there was something the Rangers couldn't do. He said to Annabeth "You know, at this rate, they'll be able to walk through walls next."

"Seaweed brain, you know that's impossible. They're human beings too, you know. Well, demigods. But no demigod can walk through walls." Annabeth rolled her eyes and went to congratulate the rangers. 


Halt was examining the bookshelf when Gilan walked out of it.

Like, literally walked out of it.

"Ahhhhhh!!" Halt screamed, his high-pitched voice vibrating the room as the other Athena campers quickly looked to see what was happening, all of them grabbing their weapons. Halt himself had brought out his Saxe and throwing knife. He stopped in amazement as he recognized his friend. "Gilan?"

"I am the ghost of he who is known as Gilan. My ghost will haunt those forever who are sarcastic and extremely annoying."

Halt cowered in fear. He wasn't used to being scared, but a ghost was something different entirely. He put his hand forward and it went right through Gilan. He screamed again.

Gilan bowed and said "I have told you that I am a ghost. And now, for my grand exit." Gilan threw dung bombs to the side of the interior of the Athena cabin and paraded out. "See you later!" He went back through the bookcase.

The Athena campers, Will, and Halt all had their jaws on the ground. "If that's Gilan's ghost...then where's Gilan?"

Immediately after, Percy came running in. "Who screamed? I heard a little girl scream, where is she? How did she get into camp?"

He was followed by Gilan who walked in like nothing happened. "Ugh! Peeyoo! What's that smell?"

"Gilan! We just-we just saw your ghost!"

Gilan grinned coyly, and the Stolls and Nico came in. "It worked, Gilan! The prank worked! And Halt screamed like a girl!" They were celebrating (the Stolls, not Nico) until Halt cleared his throat. 

"Care to explain?"

Gilan grinned and explained the prank. "We did it here because 1. We needed to hear Halt scream. 2. None of the Stolls has been able to get their pranks into the Athena cabin because you guys are too damn smart. Especially since the spider incident."

"You mean too dam smart." That was Percy.


"Nevermind. Inside joke."

"What spider incident?" The Athena campers were growing scared, although trying not to show it. 

"The Stolls," Annabeth glared at them and they cowered, "put a spider in my bed." Now all the Athena campers were glaring at them.

Gilan awkwardly began to continue to explain after the momentary interruption. Halt's eyes narrowed every second of his explaining, and when Gilan was done, Halt grabbed his Saxe knife and glared at Gilan.

Gilan did the only sensible thing to do.

He ran.

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