Chapter 19

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Thalia and Jason were exhausted. The shield around camp was flickering ever so slightly, and the smaller monsters were able to get past, only to be met with the first of the Ares campers.

The outside of the shield was in a planned structure, organised rows of monsters facing the golden shield, waiting patiently, watching as spears and weapons were thrown from behind. Not a muscle moved, the tension so thin, as they prepared for the shield to fall.

On the inside, however, was absolute chaos. Only the Ares campers were ready, fighting off the first of the monsters, while the Athena campers (with the help of Alyss, Lady Pauline, and Piper) attempted to organise everyone into structured rows, although the other campers weren't making it too easy. Annabeth, Halt, Will, and Clovis were nowhere to be seen.

"Eat this. It's got some nectar in it." Jenny fed Thalia, the girl sitting down, head drooping as her brother powered the shield, just as exhausted. "Keep going, Jason. We just need a bit more time." Jason could barely keep his eyes open, tired from the task they had been at for hours on end. He nodded, but he couldn't keep it ahold any longer. The previous strong bead of electricity coming from his fingertips dulled out into unpredictable sparks, the light going out of him entirely as he collapsed. Thalia gasped and quickly hurried to replace her brother, but in the split second of weakness, monsters swarmed into camp, their eager eyes glinting for their long-waited meal and revenge.

"Austin! Emergency here, now!" The Apollo child ran over, medics already in hand, as he quickly looked over Jason. 

"He's tired. There's not much we can do until he wakes up. In the meantime, Thalia, you'll have to continue this on your own." Austin hurriedly searched through his bag, pulling out a bit of ambrosia. "With this, he might be awake about 2 hours earlier." He handed it to Jenny, who looked horrified.

"2 hours? How long is he going to be out for?" She looked at Thalia worried, who wasn't even listening, her only concentration on her job.

Austin couldn't meet her gaze. "About 3 hours." He sighed. "I'm sorry. He's just collapsed from exhaustion. There's nothing I can do."

He soon ran off to attend to an injury, leaving Jenny and the siblings, one half-sleeping, one collapsed. She quickly went through her food bag and realised she had forgotten something she and Clovis devised up before he disappeared with Annabeth.

She prayed to the Gods to help her, and to Zeus to help his son and daughter and forced it into Jason's mouth. "Hopefully he'll wake up before Thalia collapses too," she muttered to herself.

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⏰ Last updated: Sep 18, 2023 ⏰

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