Chapter 17

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Gilan was glad he had a half-sister too.

Sure, Nico was a nice boy. He looked out for Gilan (even though he was younger), and helped introduce him to everyone.

But personality-wise? Totally opposite.

While Nico enjoyed staying in the shadows by himself, Gilan enjoyed meeting new people and was soon getting along well with everyone.

Most of all his half-sister.

"So, you're from the past as well? Just not from as long ago as we were."

Hazel nodded. "Now no one complained that I'm the oldest one here. Although, your use of language is still pretty decent and modern. You should've seen this girl-she was a hunter," she bowed her head slightly "her name was Zoe. She spoke in such an ancient language, using thee and thy, people could never understand a word she said. At least, that's what Annabeth said anyway."

Gilan grinned. "I don't really know why we don't use that language either. But we were taught to always use me, I, you. Thee and thy just sounds plain confusing." He then frowned. "You said was? What happened?"

Hazel gazed at the view of the moving city below them, the Argo III moving at an extremely fast pace, which was driving on autopilot. "She...died, sacrificing her life to help the Greek demigods defeat Kronos."

Gilan sighed. "I'm sorry."

Hazel gave him a tight smile. "Don't be. You did nothing wrong. Besides, Zoe died a hero. No one could've wished for a more noble death. Then again, she was one of the noblest (and sarcastic, according to Percy) souls ever. Personally, I never knew her." She brightened up. "Let's talk about more exciting things, shall we?"

Gilan grinned. "Yes, let's."

Kinda a filler but just a reminder that yes, somehow, I'm still alive. Sorry for the short chapter, but thanks for patiently waiting!

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