Chapter 16

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"Count." Lou Ellen whispered the words as all the arrows stuck in the straw floated up into the air.  Smoke filled the air and suddenly, a glowing light appeared in front of her, displaying the number 240,108. She grinned at the rest of the campers and summoned them into the barrels.

She pointed at them and gestured to Annabeth. "Thank goodness simple magic like this still works. Here you go Annabeth. 240,108 arrows. Will that be enough?" Annabeth nodded thankfully and walked inside the silent cabins, where the monsters' cheering could be heard from the distance.

"Please distribute these, and make sure to leave some for the Rangers and Hunters of Artemis as well. Thanks, Lou." Annabeth said.

Meanwhile, Jenny, Rachel, and Lady Pauline were giving out lamb stew to every camper, who ate heartily. Praise was given to them as the food was chomped down, but Jenny was too worried to care.

She knew Gilan could take care of himself, especially with his new powers. But there was always a chance that something could go wrong, especially exploring something unknown.


Gilan's POV

Gilan opened his eyes, as a blurry figure came into view. The figure poured something down his throat, and he swallowed it gratefully as he took stock of his surrounding. "Where am I? Who are you? Where's Nico? What-"

"Steady, don't talk yet, just relax." A soothing voice said. A girl's voice. After a few minutes, he regained enough strength to sit up, looking at his companion. She had long wavy hazel hair, and was maybe Will's height. She grinned at him, but her grin was tired and weary, and she had heavy bags under her eyes. "I'm Hazel, Nico's sister. Well, your sister too, I guess, since you're Nico's brother. Ugh, this is going to be quite confusing." She sighed. 

"Where's Nico? We have to speak with-"

"It's fine. Nico's handled it. He spoke to Reyna and Frank already, and they're setting up the Argo III. Right now, you need to rest." Her eyes glazed with sudden anger. "What were you thinking, doing two stops at once?! I know how hard it is to shadow travel. You could've died!"

Gilan groaned. "I'm sorry. Nico was just so strained and tired." He was unsure how to speak to this too-mature-for-her-age-kid-who-decided-to-take-on-the-worried-and-concerned-parent-role.

Hazel sighed. "Sorry. I was just worried my brother would die before I even got to know him." She smiled. "Let's start again. I'm Hazel, and you're in Camp Jupiter."


It was a week after, and all the Roman troops, Gilan, Nico, Hazel, and Frank had boarded the Argo III. Reyna had stayed back to take care of the Roman camp.

She grinned sadly as she watched the ship soar away, heading to another war.

Sorry for not updating for a long time. I'm not too great at writing the whole 'war' scene so I'm trying to delay it as much as possible 😬😬.

Thank you for being patient and somehow sticking with me.

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