Chapter 15

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"They're coming!"

The two words set everyone on edge. The campers were hiding inside Camp Half-Blood, unsure of what to do. The new girl, Alyss, had just told them to prepare their weapons, but sit quietly and still, turning off all the lights and making no sound whatsoever. She had convinced them all (even the Ares campers) to not move or make a sound, but her charmspeak was wearing off.

Only the Hephaestus campers were helping the Athena campers, setting and pulling the straw figures toward the entrance of the cabin. Leo had built some sort of mechanism onto the train chain where the straw figures could stand and slide around to make it seems as though they were moving. Nyssa had easily built an electric fence to keep out the monsters while the shield was down.

"Places! Jenny, you know what to do," Annabeth whispered. Jenny quickly flicked the switch and the shield around Camp Half-Blood went down. A roar fired up from the monsters, who eagerly charged toward the camp, completely overlooking the electric fence. Soon, monsters were falling and tripping all over the place in pain, falling down and dissolving to dust. Annabeth looked at Nyssa in wonder. 

"How did you make the electric fence that powerful? I actually had a backup plan in case this went wrong but I don't think we'll need it." Nyssa simply smiled at her and pointed to Jason shooting constant fiery sparks into the control panel.

Thousands of arrows shot into the air suddenly shot into the air and hit the strawples in many places. "The monsters finally realised that shooting the targets would be easier," Annabeth smirked to herself. Thanks to the slightly less useful Aphrodite campers, the strawples resembled each camper, and the 'Percy Jackson' strawple had gotten shot so many times it toppled over.


From Farmer Groo's farm, the Hunters of Artemis, Halt, and Will shot arrows from behind and hit many lone monsters. Next to them stood the real Percy Jackson, in case they needed a quick getaway through the river. 

"324...325...326..." Will muttered under his breath.

"Ha! I've got 337 monsters down! How many have you got, Halt?"

Halt hid a smile. "Oh...only 9528."

"WHAT?!?" The two looked at him in awe, and Halt smirked. 

"Just kidding. I've gotten 528. You guys are way too gullible, and you're also wasting time." Will and Thalia quickly went back to shooting the monsters, grinding their teeth in frustration. A couple of minutes later, Percy interrupted their mini-competition.

"You guys...I've got bad news and bad news. Which one do you want to hear first?" He quickly put his hands up in surrender when he got three of the scariest death glares. "Okay! Chill! Firstly, we've run out of arrows. And secondly," he looked up in the direction they were shooting in "I've just realised they've spotted us."

"YOU DIDN'T KNOW? I THOUGHT YOU NOTICED AND WERE PLANNING SOMETHING!" Halt thundered. Percy cowered and quickly opened the farm door and hurried out, everyone else behind him. They reached the sea, and he quickly jumped in, swimming towards Camp Half-Blood. He quickly resurfaced when he realized they weren't following him.

"I thought you had a plan that didn't involve me swimming! Your dad is so going to kill me." Thalia shouted to him, afraid of putting one toe in the water. 

He grinned at her. "Don't worry! I've got it handled!" He looked into the distance and soon a boat appeared. On top of the boat stood Ingvar and Hal, who waved to them. The boat quickly arrived and the Hunters of Artemis, Halt, and Will got on. The monsters were not too far away now, and unlike Thalia, they weren't afraid of water. Percy jumped on, and they started moving away really slowly.

"What are you doing?! Hurry up and move the boat, Kelp Head!!" Thalia shook Percy, but the boat still didn't move as fast. By this time, the monsters had jumped into the water and were waddling steadily toward the boat.

The boat still drifted breezily through the waves.

"PERCY! WHAT ARE YOU DOING?!?!" The Hunters of Artemis and rangers screamed at him in panic, grabbing the oars from Ingvar and Hal and started rowing. Percy just grinned at Hal and Ingvar and nodded his head at them. They pulled a hidden lever on the boat and the monsters suddenly sunk below the water. After five minutes of staring, they still didn't resurface.

"Hal built this net trap underwater that pulls anything traipsing in it under. We just needed to bait them to come this far, that's why we were coming so slowly." Percy answered the question before it was asked. He quickly sped up the boat, and sure enough, the questions started flowing as fast as the waves, 90% of them from Will of course.

It's been a while since I've updated, but I'm still alive! Hope you enjoyed the chapter, keep commenting and voting, and thank you for reading!

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