Chapter 14

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"What on Earth are you going to do with all that straw?" Thalia looked at Alyss, Will and Cassandra as they came back with bundles of straw in their wheelbarrows. They just grinned at her and continued wheeling the barrows up the hill.

They met Halt and Annabeth at the top. Annabeth smiled welcomingly, running to help Alyss. "You guys are genius! Absolute genius! Halt told me all about the plan while we were waiting for Gilan. The Hermes cabin has already started working on it since the Hephaestus cabin has to do much more complicated things."

"On what? What are you going to do with it all?"

"Thalia, go collect your hunters and start shooting down some lone monsters if you can. We need to lessen them as much as possible before the actual battle."

"But we don't have enough arrows-"

"Just do it. We've got the arrow problem handled," Annabeth ordered. Thalia gave her a glare that would've made anyone cower except Annabeth. She stomped off toward her hunters, annoyed that she wasn't in on what was going on.

Annabeth looked at Alyss. "Alyss, could you go and organise everyone with their weapons? Use your charm speak if you have to." Alyss nodded and ran off. Annabeth looked gravely at the rest of her siblings. "We've got a problem. Magic has stopped working, and we can't get in touch with the gods."


"CONNOR! TRAVIS! JESPER! STEFAN! ULF! WULF! ARE YOU SLACKING OFF?" The boys straightened up in fear, but Laurel had already walked in. Or rather, stormed in. Her sister Holly followed.

"N-no, Laurel."

"Yes, you were! Do you want to win this war? If you keep slacking off, we will lose this war! There will be no participation awards to second place. This is a matter of life and death. That's why we have to win!" The daughter of Victoria screamed.

Connor and Travis exchanged mischievous looks. "Well, Laurel, it's really hard work, and I'm sure even Holly would be able to do it faster than you."

"No, she wouldn't! She'd be much slower than me."

"Oh really? Game on."

The sisters leapt for the straw and immediately started doing the boys' jobs. The boys grinned at each other and quietly sneaked out of the room. "Preparing traps are much more fun. I can't believe how easy it is to manipulate them when it comes to winning."

No sooner had Travis finished his statement, Holly's voice was heard. "BOYS! DON'T YOU LEAVE THE HARD WORK TO US! COME BACK INSIDE!"

They rushed back inside. "We were...uh...getting some water!" Jesper said.

Laurel snorted. "Yeah right. Here; let's have a race. Whoever makes the most until we run out wins. You boys are against us two. Losers have to do what the winner says for a month. But only after the battle."

Stefan's eyes widened. "Deal."

Connor and Travis looked at Stefan in horror. "What? They're Victoria's children, for gods sake! There's no way we'll win!"

Stefan said, "Yeah, but if we win, we could boss them around for a month! And if we lose, well, we might not survive. So hopefully we'll win. Besides, there's more of us."

The boys bickering were interrupted by Holly. "3...2...1...start!" 8 pairs of hands grabbed bundles of straw.



"Oh no, not again! I'm terrible at cooking." Rachel sighed.

"You're not that bad..." Jenny tried half-heartedly.

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