Chapter 11

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Third Person POV

The Rangers mourned in silence, but they didn't look behind them, letting Annabeth mourn for Percy alone, without a distraction.


The Rangers' heads snapped back, and they were met with a strange sight.

Annabeth was on the floor nursing her head. Percy was grinning widely, not looking any bit hurt at all.

"What just happened?"

Percy stood up calmly, smiling. He didn't look a bit like he did before. Annabeth glared at Percy, and he whimpered.

"Seaweed brain here-" Annabeth stood up haughtily, glaring at Percy still. "-decided it would be funny-" She stepped up to Percy threateningly, and Percy stepped back, frightened. "to pretend to almost die, and then judo flip me!"

"That was for last time. I never get a chance to judo flip Annabeth. I couldn't resist. This was too good a chance to give up. Sorry." 

Percy laughed nervously, until Annabeth rushed up to him, tears still in her eyes. "I thought I'd lost you!"



"You deserved that."

"I know."


"So, Gilan, how did you know the minotaur was there? You knew he had horns and he was double the size of a human, but you didn't see him. Is it a Hades thing?" Percy asked.

"Probably. I just looked at the wall and I saw him. I think I kind of looked through the wall. That's cool, I guess. I wonder what else I can look through." He looked at Percy, concentrating. "Hmmm. I can see you have a few coins-drachmas? in your pocket." Percy nodded. "You also have a pen-riptide, I suppose. And-" he suddenly covered his eyes. "Ugh! I can see your bones! That's horrendous." Gilan looked and smiled. "I have to concentrate really hard to see them though. Luckily."

"Cool! Guess you have x-ray vision then."


"Here we are." Gilan pressed Daedalus's mark. The staircase opened, and they went outside. It was still bright, though.

"Did no time pass at all?" Will wondered. He walked out of the cave, and they went back to their campsite. Will was faced with a lock of blonde hair.

"Where have you been? We've been looking all over for you! When Hal and Stig came back after 3 days of not finding you, we were so worried. We sent out search parties and everything." Alyss had tears of happiness and worry in her eyes.

"3 days? We've only been gone a day!"

"What do you mean, you've only been gone a day? You were gone for a week!"

"I haven't!"

"You have!"

"Okay, okay, calm down everyone." Annabeth made the calm-down gesture to Will and Alyss.

"Who's she?" Alyss frowned.

"This is Annabeth Chase, this is Percy Jackson. They're friends." He emphasized friends for two reasons: 1. Alyss or Jenny might get jealous. 2. (The more important reason) Thorn might think they were an enemy and attack them.

Alyss still wasn't satisfied. Jenny was having her own reunion with Gilan. "She's my sister," Will explained.


"I think we better start at the beginning-" He was interrupted as Horace, Cassandra and Pauline were coming back, frowning.

"No sign- Will! Gilan! Halt!" Horace yelled, running up to them, crushing them in a hug. Pauline helped Cassandra back, who was walking slowly and steadily. Cassandra was pregnant and was soon going to give birth. 

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