Chapter 4

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3rd person POV

After all the introductions, Annabeth and Percy took them on a tour of the camp. Nearing the end of the tour, they decided to show the rangers the cabins. "This cabin over here is where children of Zeus stay. We've only had two children of Zeus because children of the Big Three weren't allowed to have children. They're Thalia and Jason. They're actually siblings from the same mother."

"Thalia, Hunter of Artemis girl? She and Jason are siblings? They look nothing alike."Gilan said. He poked his head in but quickly pulled it out again. "Uh...why is there a statue of a naked Zeus?" He quickly covered his mouth and turned red. Will's eyes widened. Percy and Annabeth grinned and decided not to answer. "They also control lightning, and Jason can fly."

The rangers' eyes widened in awe. "Does everyone have a special power?"

"No, only some. Anyway, this cabin next to Zeus's here is Hera's cabin. That cow- sorry, Hera doesn't have any demigod children, being the goddess of marriage, but we keep a cabin here for the honour." Annabeth rolled her eyes, and it was obvious to them she despised Hera. The rangers stuck their head inside, but it was boring- just white marble everywhere.

"Why do you hate Hera so much?" Will asked.

Percy explained "She took me to the Roman camp- Camp Jupiter- and took away all my memories. She hates Annabeth too- at one point she even sent down cows to follow Annabeth!" Annabeth rolled her eyes as Gilan, Will and Percy burst into laughter.

Halt raised an eyebrow. "How...interesting."

They continued down the aisle.

"This is Demeter's cabin, the goddess of harvest. They can grow things really easily." The three rangers poked their head inside to see mostly everything green, with a whole tree inside, grass as their carpet, plants on the wall, and flowers growing everywhere. They stepped out and went to the opposite cabin.

Percy stopped them at the door, sweating. "Uhhh... wait. I wasn't prepared for visitors so my cabin is kind of a mess..." He quickly leapt inside and shut the door behind him, and the three rangers and Annabeth could hear him hastily tidying up his cabin. Gilan and Will held back their laughter while Halt raised an eyebrow again. Annabeth grinned.

"You'll get used to it. He's always like this." Without asking permission, she burst open the door and sauntered inside, to see Percy holding up an underwear he was going to put in his closet. Will, Gilan and Annabeth burst out laughing, and even Halt cracked a smile. Percy turned bright red and stuffed it in the closet. Everything was blue. There was a fountain in the middle of the cabin springing water. There were two beds, one with clothing sticking out of it. Seashells were decorated everywhere. "My half-brother Tyson- he's a cyclops by the way- sometimes comes to stay here, but he's down at Poseidon's palace right now. Oh, and I can control water." The rangers looked in awe as he made water dolphins jump around the room. The five left the room and moved down the aisle.

"This is Ares's cabin. God of war. They have a natural ability to fight, and can fight with any weapon without having to know how to use it." The rangers poked their head in to find the room stacked with weapons. Clarisse was inside, arguing with two other people. They quickly stepped out before the Ares campers noticed them. They walked to the cabin across it.

"This is my cabin. Cabin #6, Athena's cabin. Athena's the goddess of wisdom and war. We don't have any special powers, but we have our brains," Annabeth smirked and looked at Percy. "Unlike some of us here."

"Hey! You like my seaweed brain." Annabeth rolled her eyes. She gestured to them to come inside. 3 of the walls were filled with a mixture of books and weapons, and there were a couple of desks filled with more books, scrolls and complicated diagrams. A little corner stood a couple of bunk beds squashed together, with reading lights over their beds. A boy who looked older than Annabeth sat at a desk, doing some math equations. He looked up and smiled. "Malcolm, meet, Will, Gilan and Halt. Will, Gilan and Halt, meet Malcolm, my oldest brother." They shook hands and left to the cabin next to it.

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