Chapter 5

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After the tour, the rangers immediately went over to their preferred friends. Halt and Nico sat together in companionable silence. Annabeth and Will (Treaty) sat in the grass comparing battle tactics. Gilan and Percy were immediate friends, having similar personalities.

"So, you swordfight too?" Percy asked Gilan gesturing to his sword. "Why don't Halt and Will have swords?"

"Rangers don't fight with swords, but I've been learning sword fighting since I was younger so I decided not to give it up."

"Do you want to have a swordfight match?" Percy grinned at Gilan.

"Of course."


They went to the swordfight arena, which was empty, but when people heard the news that Percy and Gilan were going to swordfight, everyone came over to watch. Will (Solace) dragged Nico who dragged Halt over. Everyone began making bets on who would win, and how quickly, the campers obviously betting on Percy as he was the best swordsman they had. The rangers bet on Gilan as they had seen his skill, but not Percy's. If Percy won, the rangers would give them five gold royals and five silver crowns (all the campers in total, not each camper), but if Gilan won, the campers would give the rangers ten drachmas.

"We aim to disarm, alright?" Percy asked. Gilan nodded his head.

Will (Treaty) and Annabeth were the judges. "Start!" As soon as Annabeth said 'start', Gilan flicked his wrist and Percy's sword went flying toward the bushes. Everyone went silent in awe, and suddenly they erupted in cheering. Percy's jaw was on the ground.

"Close your mouth, you'll catch flies," Gilan told Percy, grinning.

"How did you do that? I barely registered that she said 'start!', and by the time I had, my sword was gone!"

"Quick reaction." Gilan grinned and slapped Percy on the back. Annabeth came over.

"That was quick. Congrats, Gilan. Percy's the best swordsman in camp, which now makes you the best." Annabeth congratulated. Percy fake-pouted.

The other campers were quickly gathering up ten drachmas and handing them over to Will (Treaty) and Halt. They were both secretly happy at the thought of making so much money for letting Gilan do the work, but Halt wasn't going to let it show. "Great, now Gilan's ego is bigger than ever. Ugh."


At the campfire that night, none of the rangers were claimed. However, there would be a capture the flag game as the Hunters of Artemis had come, and it was a tradition to do it every time they did. The campers had never won a game. The rangers decided to be with the campers, even though the campers had already warned them that they were probably going to lose.

Gilan was put on attack with Percy, as the campers had already seen his combat skills, but Will (Treaty) and Halt were put on defence.

"3...2...1...GO!" Chiron blew his whistle.

Percy and Gilan ran off, as well as most of the other campers. Nyssa and a couple of the Hephaestus children stayed back while setting traps, as well as the Apollo campers. Annabeth had a plan as usual. Halt and Will (Treaty) just stood there doing nothing as they were just supposed to defend a useless part; they were the decoy.

Shouting was soon heard, and all the campers were forced into defence. Suddenly, Gilan appeared behind Halt and Will (Treaty), and muttered, "We're not needed here. Should we make our own plan? It's pretty obvious that we're going to lose if we keep going like this. The Hunters are seriously close to our flag." It was true. None of the Hunters were paying attention to Halt and Will, so they decided to make their own plan.


Thalia had grabbed the flag and was quietly sneaking away when she was suddenly pinned to the tree with arrows through her cloak. The flag was taken out of her hands by Will (Treaty) who smiled at her. Everyone looked in awe at the two, as they had all been trying to find her with no luck. "It's not over yet!" she yelled. "They haven't got our flag!"

At that point, Gilan materialized out of the tree holding the flag while eating a cracker. "Are you sure? I've been here forever, watching you attempt to steal ours. We knew you were coming through the secret route since the first step you took past the line. I even had time for a little detour." He bit off another piece of cracker and smiled. "Hmm, Chiron's crackers are pretty good. But Jenny's is still better." 

Chiron immediately thundered through yelling "WHO STOLE MY CRACKERS!?!?" He then saw Gilan holding the flag in one hand and eating a cracker in the other and blows the whistle. "The campers win!" He broke off into a smile. "Gilan, I forgive you this time, but next time don't steal my crackers." Gilan nodded mischievously. 

The campers cheered on Gilan, Halt and Will (Treaty), who were grinning widely (apart from Halt of course), when suddenly everyone gasped and bowed down. The rangers looked at each other in confusion to see a glowing sign on the top of their heads.

"It is determined," Chiron announced. "Hail Will Treaty and Halt Arratay, sons of Athena, goddess of wisdom and war, the blessing of Artemis."

Everyone gasped. Artemis never blessed boys. Chiron continued.

"All hail Gilan Davidson, blessed by Artemis, son of Hades, god of the underworld."

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