Chapter 10

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Keep in mind that all this happened in 1 day.

Third Person POV

The Rangers decided they had to get back to their country. "We've got friends back there," Gilan explained to Percy. "And our horses." 

Percy and Annabeth decided to make and give some celestial bronze arrows to the Rangers. Their Saxe and throwing knife was already made of celestial bronze, although Annabeth was confused where they got it from, until Halt explained that Ranger's knives were specially made. "Now that you know you're demigods, your smell will be stronger-"

"Excuse me? I don't smell." Halt said rather indignantly.

Gilan smirked. "That's debatable."

"You're one to talk." Halt muttered.

"-so you'll need to arm yourself from monsters."

"I'm travelling with two." Will remarked. Halt raised an eyebrow. Percy and Annabeth just laughed.

Percy and Annabeth had also decided to join them and explore their world (after lots of begging from Percy).

They packed their bags and the Hunters of Artemis led the way down to the labyrinth to see them off.

"Bye! Stay safe, and take care of Camp Half-Blood for us!" Percy said, and Thalia rolled her eyes.

The Rangers, Percy, and Annabeth stepped into the golden tunnel.


Gilan POV

"Here's another mark, Halt." Will pointed to a mark in the corner. They followed the marks they had made earlier when the Rangers froze and urged Percy and Annabeth to do the same.

"What?" Percy questioned. They glared at him, and Gilan pointed to his ear. Gilan conjured the shadows and hid them inside. Annabeth wore her invisibility cap, Percy held riptide, and the Rangers had their bows out.

Gilan heard the sound again and looked in the direction of the sound. He saw the walls of the labyrinth, but when he focused, he felt he could see through the wall. He saw a creature that had large horns and was double the size of a person. Gilan pointed in that direction so the others would be aware. It's there, Gilan mouthed. He held his fingers up like horns on his head, and then held his hand up high to indicate that it was a tall creature. They nodded and decided to save their questions for later.

The creature soon turned the corner and entered. He sniffed and looked in their direction. He crept closer and closer until he was face to face with Percy, who was holding his breath. The creature tried to step forward when Percy thrust his sword through the creature, while Annabeth thrust her dagger behind it. The creature roared in pain, and grabbed Percy.

"You won't stay dead for long, would you?" Percy muttered. Percy was right at the entrace of the minotaur's mouth. He cringed. "Oh gods. You know there's something called a toothbrush? It's used for cleaning teeth." The minotaur simply roared in reply and was about to bite down on Percy, until he felt a sharp pain in his back. He dropped Percy and looked behind him. Annabeth ran to Percy. 

"Hey dumb horn creature thingy! Bet you can't catch me!" The minotaur faced Gilan, who was holding his bow out. He shot some more at the minotaur, but he didn't have a clear shot at his heart as it kept moving. The minotaur, now angered, charged at Gilan, ran through him, then smashed into the wall. He rubbed his head in pain. He looked at Gilan uncertainly when an arrow impaled through his heart. More correctly, two arrows. He roared then turned into dust.

Halt and Will smiled at Gilan. He grinned back. They ran over to Percy. "Percy, are you okay?" Percy shook his head, and his eyes glazed over. Annabeth let out a sob and cried into his shoulder. 

"Seaweed Brain. You will not die on me." her voice indicated she had little hope however. She stuffed some nectar and ambrosia squares into his mouth. Tears ran down her face freely, and the Rangers were distraught, but not nearly as devastated as Annabeth, who had know him her whole life. Gilan and Will both had tears in their eyes, but Halt's face was just as impassive as ever, maybe just a bit more guarded. Gilan was especially upset as he had just found a friend with exactly the same personality as him, and they got along extremely well. And now he was going to lose him. They turned away to give Percy and Annabeth some privacy. 

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