Chapter 8

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"Hey, Percy, Gilan, wanna play hide and seek?" Leo came running up along with Jason and Piper.

Gilan grinned. "Sure!" He then looked at Percy and whispered from the corner of his mouth, "What's hide and seek?"

Percy laughed. "I'll explain it when we're all together. Actually, Annabeth can explain. Who else is playing?"

"Us three, Annabeth, Halt, the Wills, Nico, Clarisse, Chris, Thalia, the Stolls, Rachel, Grover and Harley. And now you two. Come on, everyone's already at Zeus's fist." Percy and Gilan quickly hurried after the three.


Annabeth started explaining the rules. "Basically, you have to hide from the seekers. The seekers will try to find you, and you can move around to avoid them. No shadow travelling." Annabeth looked at Nico and Gilan.

"I can't even shadow travel yet!"

"Whatever. You have to stay within the camp borders. You have to hide in teams because often you have to hide from monsters when you're on a quest. If one of your teammates is found, your team seeks next. The aim of the game is to try not to get found. The seeker aims to find everyone. The losing team loses his/her dessert and must give it to the other campers. No killing or maiming. If you're found, you help the seeking team. Any questions?" Everyone shook their heads. "Everyone get into teams."

After a while of arguing, the teams were decided:

1. Jason, Piper and Leo

2. Percy, Annabeth and Grover

3. Will Solace, Nico and Thalia

4. Travis, Connor and Harley

5. Clarisse, Chris and Rachel

6. Halt, Gilan and Will Treaty

Jason, Piper and Leo were going to seek first.

"We'll count to 120. 1...2...3..." Everyone else ran off.

Percy, Annabeth and Grover were hiding in the sea in a bubble that Percy was providing. Because it would be impossible for the seekers to reach them, they had to go a bit more shallow.

Will Solace, Nico and Thalia were inside Nico's cabin. They stood in the shadows, and Thalia changed her clothes so that she wasn't wearing bright silver sparkly clothes.

Travis, Connor and Harley were in the secret extendable place of Cabin #9. Harley changed it a bit so that Leo couldn't come in. It didn't occur to him or the twins that Leo was just as good (most likely better) mechanic than Harley and could change it right back. However, they did add some traps just in case.

Clarisse, Chris and Rachel were in the dining Pavillion arguing about where to hide. Rachel wanted to hide in the cave, while Clarisse wanted to hide in the forest.

"They'll look at the forest first, mark my words!"

"Yeah? Well, it's better to blend in and we might not be found."

"At least in the cave we won't have to seek next! They'll look at it eventually, just not first!"

"Stop it, you guys-"

"Stay out of it, Chris! The forest is a much better hiding spot!"

Meanwhile, Halt, Gilan and Will Treaty decided to go to the edge of the forest. They hid behind the bushes where it was fairly dark and stayed extremely still. It would be easy to see them, but they were relying on their Ranger's ability not to get seen. Gilan was in the place where it was more revealing as he was the best at unseen movement. They also chose that place because, in the (unlikely) event that they did get found, they could make a run for it easily, unlike in a tree.

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