Chapter 6

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Gilan's POV (First-person)

I came into the Hades cabin to put my (very few) belongings away. But mostly to have some alone time.

I laid down Percy's clothes on my bed. Because I didn't bring anything with me from the island, I had no spare clothes and had to borrow some from Percy, who was roughly the same size as me. Clothes appeared in front of me, which I just put away. I was not going to wear anything that my 'dad' gives me.

I sighed. Just as I was getting accepted into camp, my 'dad' had claimed me, and suddenly everyone was taking extra measures just to avoid me. Only the rangers, Percy, Annabeth, Jason, Piper, the Stoll brothers, the Hunters of Artemis, Nico and Will Solace were talking to me. Okay, that is a lot of people, but still, the mood just went down.

Why did my 'dad' have to be Hades? Why couldn't my 'dad' be...oh I don't know...Hermes or someone else? Or someone with a sense of humour? At least Halt and Will's mother are Athena. Mine is the god of the underworld. Brilliant. Just brilliant.

Nico was basically dead. He had the personality of a zombie and the sense of humour of a quill.  Why couldn't I have someone like Percy as a brother? Instead, I have a mini Halt. One Halt is enough, thank you.

I changed clothes, lay down on my (it was actually Hazel's) bed, and thought about Jenny, Alyss, Pauline, Hal, Stig, Thorn, my father (Sir David, not Hades), and pretty much all my other friends.

Did it mean that my fa-Sir David (can I call him my father anymore?) wasn't my dad?

Halt's POV

Annabeth quickly brought us to our cabin. There were a couple of empty beds, which we took. The beds here were so comfortable, but I wasn't about to tell them that.

"The beds are so comfortable!" Will flopped onto the bed, rolling around in it, dirty clothes and all. The other campers laughed.

"Will, you're embarrassing yourself. And me." I told Will off, but I was tempted to do the same. Clothes my size appeared onto my bed, which I gratefully took.

After getting more refreshed, Annabeth and the other Athena campers cornered Will and me and started pestering us with questions. Ugh, one Will is enough.

"Did you really defeat this Temujai army and save the Skandians?"


"Is it true you acted as their tactician?"

"Hang on-"

"Did you really burn down Morgyrap's bridge?"

"It's Morga-"

"Did you really-"


"Is it true-"

"I never said-"


"STOP! YOU'RE WORSE THAN WILL! ONE QUESTION AT A TIME!" Halt lost his patience after their fierce interrogation. The Athena campers stared at him in shock and silence. 

Will mock-glared at Halt. "I'm not that bad. I don't ask that many questions, do I? When have I asked that many questions at a time? Have I ever asked more than 3 questions at a time? Why-" 

"I take that back. You're still worse." Halt held up to stop Will as he opened his mouth to ask more questions. He took three calm breaths and told them all about their adventures as a ranger.

After he finished his story, the Athena campers stared at them, open-mouthed. Halt raised an eyebrow. "Yes?" The Athena campers were extremely surprised and loved their adventures, but their favourite one was when they managed to outsmart the Temujai in Hallasholm.

After a bit (for Will) more questions, they started to show them modern devices and other things.


"This is a shower." Malcolm gestured to a metal fat stick, and when he turned a metal doorknob looking thing right, water came out. Annabeth had gone to find Percy. Will and Halt quickly scrambled back, and the Athena campers laughed. "Relax! This is how you get clean." He turned it off. "If you didn't have showers back then, how did you get clean?"

Halt and Will looked at their feet. "We wash in the river." The other campers laughed but quickly hid it as Halt glared at them. 

"Goodness, it almost rivals Annabeth's glare!" Malcolm exclaimed, surprised.

"Excuse me?" Annabeth appeared next to him, taking off her invisibility hat. Malcolm scrambled away from her as she glared at him.

He smiled weakly.

Third Person

Percy was unhappy. Everyone was avoiding Gilan like the plague, just like they'd all avoided him. It wasn't his fault that his father was Hades. Percy felt bad for his friend and decided to go to the Hades cabin to see how Gilan was doing.

He had bumped into Annabeth on his way, and she decided to give the two boys some space.

While walking toward the cabin, Percy thought about Gilan a bit more. He found it quite peculiar that someone as nice and friendly and funny as Gilan could be the son of someone so mean with a sense of humour down in the negative zone. Or how he could be related to someone so introverted and quiet like Nico. They were pretty much polar opposites. Even Thalia and Jason weren't that different. 

Percy quietly sneaked up to the Hades cabin (Nico stressed this very much). He was about to knock on the door when it flung open and someone yanked him inside, pressing a blade to his neck.

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