Chapter 7

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Third Person POV

"Gorlog's toenails, I'm so sorry Percy! I just heard someone sneaking up and I didn't see any reason why any other camper would want to sneak up. So I thought it was an intruder." Gilan let go of Percy and eyed him warily. 

"Dude! Do you do that to everyone who comes in?"

"Nope, just the special ones." Gilan grinned. 

"Why would you 'sneak up'?" Gilan didn't let go of his Saxe knife just in case it was someone pretending to be Percy. However much he doubted that he needed to make sure, and releasing him would give 'Percy' a false sense of security.

"Nico always says I walk too loudly. He needs his peace and quiet," Percy said. Gilan looked at him uncertainly.

"Let's ask Nico then, shall we?"

"Ask Nico? He's not even here!" Percy looked around, trying to see if Nico was under the bed when he heard footsteps. They were very quiet but just outside the door. 

Nico opened the door and looked inside. "Gilan, can you pass me my shirt?" Gilan threw him his black shirt. Nico nodded his thanks.

"By the way, did you tell Percy to walk quieter?" Gilan directed the question at Nico just as he was about to leave, still wary of Percy.

"Yep. The way he walked before I told him, you'd think a bear had come to camp." Gilan smiled.

"Thanks. Bye, Nico." Nico walked out and Percy looked at him strangely. "What? Have I got something on my face?" He started feeling for his face when Percy laughed.

"No, no. But how did you hear Nico? How did you even know it was Nico? And how did you hear me?" 

"You? Pfft- that was easy. You walk like a bear even when you try to be quiet. But I knew you were trying to sneak up, so I didn't know it was you. And Nico always walks quietly, so that's how I knew it was him. His footsteps are easy to distinguish." Percy stared him at, gaping. 

"And who's Gorlog?"

"A very useful Skandian god. Wait, now that I think about it, was there a Gorlog?"

"I'm not too sure, I'll ask the gods next time I speak to them." A fire lit up in his eyes. He obviously didn't like them very much.

"So... You came here for a reason, right?" Gilan prompted.

"Oh, right! Gilan, don't worry about everyone. They're being ridiculous. That's how they used to treat me too when they first found out that I was a son of Poseidon. They'll warm up soon enough."

Gilan frowned. He doubted that everyone used to resent Percy. Percy's personality was too likeable to avoid. What Gilan didn't know was that he had the exact same personality, and that's why they got along so well.

"Yeah, but Poseidon's cool. I got Hades. Hades. God of the underworld. He's supposed to be dark, and mean, and grumpy, and-"

"I really can't argue with that. He really isn't great. But my dad isn't so great either. They're all actually pretty bad. Except for Hestia." Thunder rumbled in the distance. Percy rolled his eyes. "What I'm saying is, it doesn't matter who your godly parent is. You define yourself, not your parent." Gilan raised his eyes from his hands and nodded.

"Thanks, Percy."

"Oh, and Hades has some really cool powers too. What can you do?"

"I...never really thought about it. Hey Nico, can you teach me?" 

Percy looked at the door expectedly but was disappointed when he saw no one come in. 

"Gilan, there's no one coming. Why did you ask Nico?"

Gilan rolled his eyes. "Of course there's no one coming."

"But then-"

"Sure, Gilan." Percy gaped at Nico as he appeared out of the shadows. "I shadow travelled. Duh. I was here for the last couple of minutes. And don't worry, Gilan. Hades isn't too bad either. Apart from the time he tricked me, and when he told me that Bianca-my sister- was better, and when he trapped Percy, and when he refused to help in the Titan war, and when-"

"I'm going to stop you right there." Gilan's eyes were wide. He was liking Hades less and less.

"So, you're from the past, right? And you won't know what a phone is? Or a toothbrush?" Gilan shook his head. Percy grinned at him and began teaching him about the more modern devices.

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