Chapter 12

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Third Person POV

The large group had gone through the labyrinth with minimal trouble- they only ran into a couple of dracanae, empousai, a chimaera, gorgons, harpies, scorpions, and the sphinx. Since there were so many in their group (Percy, Annabeth, Will, Halt, Gilan, Alyss, Horace, Cassandra, Pauline, Jenny, and the rest of the Heron brotherband), they defeated all of the monsters easily, especially since Gilan could see them coming. Jenny and Gilan led the way, as Jenny was apparently mortal and could see a faint red line leading them to their place (it was the right trail since the Ranger's previous marks matched it), and Gilan could look out for danger. When they finally got there, it was still daytime.

"Oh no. Tell me we haven't been gone a week." Will said. They ran to Camp Half-Blood, but Jenny and Ingvar couldn't get inside the camp. 

"I, Annabeth Chase, daughter of Athena, allow Jenny Dalby and Ingvar to enter Camp Half-Blood," Annabeth said.

Ingvar and Jenny ran in along with the others. Jenny was no warrior, but she insisted on coming, and when they had argued against her, she had said, "Do you expect me to wait here all alone for who knows how long? It could be a year before you come back. And I don't know how to sail home to get more water or food. To do that, it will cost the Heron Brotherband to sail me home. Then they have to come back and follow the tracks. No offence Lydia, but you could track wrong since you don't know what the marks look like, and the marks can't be obvious otherwise more monsters can follow it, and then the Heron Brotherband could get lost in the labyrinth forever. Which means you'll have to spare a ranger. Which you can't. And even if you track them correctly, by the time that happens, the battle will probably be over, and you're either dead and lost or alive. And if you're alive, then that's great. But the chances of you guys being alive increases significantly if the Heron Brotherband is with you. And while I'll be a burden, I'll also be able to feed the camp so you guys don't starve." The others agreed instantly, although that could also be because Jenny had brought out her ladle and started tapping it lightly against her hand.

Annabeth ran up to Thalia who had just waved her hand through the mist, obviously just finished iris messaging someone. "Thalia! Who are you iris messaging?" Thalia looked at Annabeth in surprise, but in even more so as she saw the large party behind her.

"I-what? How- forget it. I'll ask you later. Right now, we need people to make some arrows. Did you bring any?"

Annabeth shook her head apologetically. "Looked like you needed help right away. We only brought enough arrows for two people, or one Ranger, because they didn't pack many arrows when they first came to discover the labyrinth."

Thalia frowned. "I'd ask Lady Artemis for some arrows, but she and Apollo are busy tracking down Orion again. We've got to get some more. We'll take out more monsters over a long distance, especially with the Rangers and Hunters of Artemis, as well as the Apollo cabin, but we can't do that without arrows."

At this point, the whole group had heard what had happened. Thalia looked at them, and she liked what she saw. "Can you guys fight?" she asked, although she knew the answer before they said anything. When they nodded, she glanced at Jenny in concern. "You're no fighter," she said to her.

Gilan glared at Thalia, but Jenny replied coolly, "Yes, I'm not. But I can feed the camp, so none of you warriors have to waste time cooking. And I can make good food." She narrowed her eyes and brought out her ladle, slightly tapping it on her hand. Thalia had a feeling she did more than cooking with that ladle and readily agreed.

Thalia also looked at Ingvar, and asked the group, "He's a good cyclops, right?" The group was confused, but that was when they were suddenly claimed. Everyone around them did a quick kneel and got up again, carrying on preparing against the mini-war.

The claiming: 

Horace - Ares

Cassandra - Athena

Alyss - Aphrodite

Pauline - Aphrodite

Hal - Poseidon, blessing of Hephaestus

Stig - Ares

Thorn - Ares

Ulf & Wulf - Hermes

Ingvar - Poseidon (cyclops)

Jesper - Hermes

Stefan - Hermes

Lydia - Ares

Edvin - Apollo

After the claiming, Jenny had taken off to the kitchen to start making food for the whole camp, and the group rounded on Percy, Annabeth, Gilan, Halt and Will, trying to find out who their parent was. Percy and Annabeth explained their parents and powers, and they found out that Alyss and Pauline could charm speak, which was why they were such successful diplomats, and Hal had the blessing of Hephaestus, which was why he could invent and build things so well. Ingvar was also a son of Poseidon- but he was a cyclops, which was why his eyesight wasn't that great, and why he could load the mangler.

Hal, Ingvar, Jesper, Stefan, Ulf and Wulf ran off to help build the traps along with the rest of the Hephaestus and Hermes cabin. Stig, Thorn, Lydia, Horace, Percy and Gilan ran off to check the weapons with the rest of the Ares campers. Edvin had gone to study some new medicine from Will Solace, as he was going to have to treat a lot more people with newer technology. Alyss and Pauline were practising their charm speak, ordering everyone around (to do helpful stuff like preparing weapons). Cassandra, Will Treaty, Halt, Annabeth and Thalia stood to discuss the problems.


"We're pretty much doomed without arrows. Half of the camper's main weapons require arrows, not to mention the Rangers and the Hunters of Artemis. The other side also has archers. And lots of them. They can get arrows anytime." Thalia explained. "And how did you get here so fast?"

"We came as fast as we could. So who were you iris messaging?" Annabeth asked.

"I was iris messaging you. And then you appeared here." Everyone nodded their heads, obviously used to the labyrinth's strange timing.

"The no arrows situation is a problem," Annabeth stated.

Will said, "We could always try to make more arrows, but it won't be enough and it won't be fast enough." Everyone agreed.

"Is there anyone nearby where we can get help or get arrows?" Cassandra asked. Annabeth and Thalia shook their heads, and Cassandra, Will and Halt frowned. Annabeth and Thalia hadn't really faced the problem of no arrows before. 

"The closest thing to here is a farm. The farmers there aren't friendly at all, and besides, we can't force them to fight." Annabeth frowned, but Will and Halt piped up. This was the exact opportunity they were looking for.

"I'll go get Alyss. See you in a few minutes to discuss when we're going to do it." Cassandra ran off to find her friend.

"When we're going to do what?" Annabeth and Thalia asked.

Halt and Will grinned. "When we're going to get thousands of arrows."

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