Chapter 3

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3rd person POV

As soon as Will, Halt and Gilan were taken out of the room, they were yanked to the side by a couple of other campers who radiated anger. They were all well built and wore sarcastic smirks. The girl grabbing Halt yelled out "Let's give these newbies the toilet treatment!", dragging him towards the bathroom. The Hunters of Artemis stood there smirking, making no attempt to stop them from getting the toilet treatment. The trio could see a girl and boy holding hands, two boys who looked identical, and other individual campers, as well as some girls with blue skin and green skin, all of them watching the rangers in pity and curiosity as if waiting to see what they would do. 

"Clarisse, stop! We should give them a tour of the place!" The girl holding hands yelled out half-heartedly. Clarisse snarled at her. "Shut up, wise girl. We do this to all campers." 

The three rangers were dragged toward the bathroom. 

"So what is the toilet treatment?" Will asked. The group of boys and girls ignored him. Clarisse grabbed Halt's neck and yanked it toward the toilet. The trio then realized what the 'toilet treatment' meant. What happened next happened so fast the Ares campers almost missed it.

The other campers didn't even see it happen.

In less than a second, Halt had pulled away from Clarisse (which was an achievement on its own), grabbed her head, and shoved it down the toilet, smiling casually at the other campers while holding out his Saxe knife in his other hand, with an innocent look in his eyes, daring anyone else to come closer. At the same time, Will and Gilan had wrestled against their campers, and pinned the two campers that held them down with their Saxe knives. The other Ares campers who had been previously cheering suddenly went quiet and backed away slowly.

The other campers watching stood in awe, speechless.

"Correct me if I'm wrong, but is this," Halt gestured to Clarisse, "the toilet treatment?" he smirked. He addressed the other campers, "Thanks for your help by the way." Halt obviously hadn't lost his sarcasm in the mild event. 

The girl and boy who were holding hands came closer. "It's pretty much a test, to see what you can do. Besides, it doesn't look like you need help." She smiled, "I think you can let Clarisse's head out of the toilet now...?"

"Halt Arratay. This is Gilan Davidson, this is Will Treaty." He pulled Clarisse's head out of the water, pulling his face closer toward hers, smiling thinly. "So, Clarisse, I hope you enjoyed that toilet treatment." His voice became lower, sharper and his smile disappeared. "Don't mess with us, or you will be sorry." He brought her up, and she quickly hurried away to the other Ares campers as Gilan and Will let go of their captives. 

"Anyways...I'm Annabeth Chase, and this is Seaweed Brain, also known as Percy Jackson." She stuck her hand out, but immediately withdrew it. "Maybe you should wash your hands first."

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