♡ chapter 1 ♡

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"i can't do this.."
a small omega whispered to himself who was wearing a white wedding dress shirt with some make ups applied on his beautiful natural face.

"i-i really can't.."
he continued as he cupped his own face into his palms.

Blame him for not thinking further when the Lee family came to his house and purpose him all of sudden last month. Yes, they started dating during their collage year and Lee Taemin was the one who asked Park Jimin to be his boyfriend in the first place.

He could still remember during the graduation day for senior was held at his university. Lee Taemin is one of the alpha who came from rich family and such a smart student got a lot of fans around his waist received a ton of bouquet flower since he's known as the top two ideal student at his school. The same day the alpha confessed to him.

As the pure angle wants to keep his father's and taemin's parent good relationship so he agreed and also take a change so that the other alphas will not disturbing him anymore but some of them still do. Did i forget to tell you that Jimin's father is a business partner with Lee family? Oh well, now you know.

Jimin started to regret this relationship right after the third week when Taemin began to touch him in kinda sexual way that he's not comfortable with. He never feel the connection at all but just play along since he assumed that the feelings will grow one day.

Now, he is sitting alone in his private room where some staff have prepared him for his wedding day with Lee Taemin. A faint sigh escaped his mouth for the tenth times today. He regretted this. He regretted everything. There's no feeling had grew when he was with the alpha for the past few months making he grew more frustrated.

"eomma help m-me, i know you can hear me so please i beg you to help me going through this problem please?"
Jimin pleaded with clutched hands as he was at the edge of tears.

He felt suffocate in his chest but then he was distracted by the sound of the rush footsteps seeming like coming from outside the room.

the omega was cut off by a loud bang from the door

Jimin tilted his head to the back only to see his best friend who was panting like he had been running for miles only to get here. Not to mention his only pastel green sweatshirt and cotton pants that he was wearing making he looked more strange since Teahyung is a fashionable person, how come he only in casual outfit instead of proper one when he's attending his soulmate's wedding?

"j-jimin.. I'm sorry!"

"I'm so sorry!!"
He cried his heart out

The smaller start to panic looking at his soulmate crying like he is going to die soon. Jimin blinked a couple of times before he stood up from the seat to get his best friend who was kneeling on the tiled floor with crystals tears running down his face.

"kim taehyung, what do you mean??"
Jimin asked in curiosity

"I'm really sorry jimin, please forgive me but I'm swear I wasn't participate in their stupid trash plan Jimin ah"
the latter sobbed even more.

"tell me what happened!"
Jimin asked and hold both of the omega's shoulder

"m-my adoptive family- i mean my uncle.. they- i was locked in my room for two days b-but i was manage to escape"
Taehyung explain while panting.

Jimin furrowed his eyebrows when he listened to Taehyung. A hand was rubbing some circles on his back to comfort the crying mess omega.

"they locked you up?"

Taehyung could only nodded his head as he tried to inhale a deep breath. His lungs were burning for lack of oxygen so Jimin just give him some time to calm a little bit down.

"..i heard the maid saying that they had left to paris a few days ago to marry Taemin with his g-girlfriend, I'm so surprised to hear the news Jimin ah"
Taehyung said as the other omega tried to catch everything he just said.

With that, he start to hear some light footsteps coming from the door frame. There is standing his father who looked so handsome even in his late fifty, looking at his omega son who brings his mother's beauty with him in sympathy.

"Uncle Park, I'm so sorry! I never thought that they will do this on purpose"
Taehyung said as tears rolling down his cheeks again.

Mr Park smile weakly at him, Taehyung had been friend with Jimin for ages so he loves Taehyung just like his own son too. Only god know how hurt his heart right now knowing that his son had been toyed with his own business partner.

Jimin recognize that behind his father, standing the President of Jeon Empire which is his father's closest friend which his father had talked about him a lot. A tall guy standing behind Mr Jeon seemed unfamiliar since he could not able to catch a glimpse of his face in one second glance over them.

The omega just shrugged and thought it would be his son before he returned his attention on Taehyung who was crying hard and begging for his forgiveness over and over again.

"will this wedding get cancelled then?"
Taehyung asked unsure as he managed to stop stuttering too much.

Before Mr Park could answer, someone knocked on the door a couple of times grabbing their attention in a second. 

"I'm sorry for disturbing"
The beta assistant bowed apologetically to all of them.

He then walked straight to Mr Park to talk privately with his president at the back of the room while the said assistant showing something on his iPad making Mr Park frowned. He took the gadget and eyeing carefully for the information.

Something had kicked his stress as his blood pressure increased and caused him to see nothing followed by the loud ringing sound echoing through his eardrums.

The older gasped for oxygen as he clenched over his aching chest where his heart is located. The secretary widen his eyes in surprise before he helped Mr Park to sit on the nearby chair.

"Mr Kang, what's wrong?"
Jimin asked worriedly as he ran towards the elders.

The assistant glance over Mr Park once again as he got a quick nod from his president as a permission to continue.

"since everyone here are the people that Mr Park trust a lot, I'll continue.. i just got a report about money transit happened whitout no one knows about it and left a big amout of debt in Mr Park's bank account and company's account"
He said and show the iPad that written the amount of debt with bloody red colour

The omegas gasped in disbelief. This can't be happen to their family especially not when Lee family stole their company money at that ease.

"Chanyeol ah, let's go to the hospital"
Mr Jeon spoke with gentle tone.

"what's the use? I'll still die any sooner"
The other alpha chuckled bitterly.

Jimin who was on his knees shook his fast, not liking the idea of him watching his father dying. The omega clenched his small fists that he put over his father's lap as he let a faint sob escapes from his mouth.

"appa let's go to hospital, you are s-sick"
He whined while poking his father a couple of times on his knees.

The tension inside the room was heavy and Jimin felt overwhelmed by the atmosphere. He then found difficulties to breath before he coughing for oxygen.

His strange action had caught the attention from the people inside the room. Taehyung wasting no time to rush over his side and pat his back to comfort his friend.

Jimin however could not manage to breath properly as the last thing he heard was Taehyung begging him to open his eyes before everything turn pitch black.


This book might be cliché

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