♡ chapter 24 ♡

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The luxurious penthouse was filled with comfortable silent except for the sound that came from the huge television. It was late at night but this one particular small omega was still sitting on the middle of the black couch at the living room while picking his nails.

"what are you doing?"
The poor omega jumped when he heard the sudden deep voice came from his back as he turned his head around.

"wait, what are you watching?"
The taller added with a small chuckle.

His eyes glued to the bright television screen most of the time, obviously not aware of his surroundings at all. This had caused a blush to creep on his face, being caught by his own alpha watching Rapunzel in the middle of night was the last thing he wished to happen.

"it is only for e-entertainment"
Jimin said as he avoiding eye contact with his husband.

He heard the alpha laughed one more time before he could feel the couch moved as Jungkook took a seat next to him, killing the gap between them.

"can we watch marvel after this?"
The alpha asked as he crossed his muscular arms over his broad chest.

"you can watch it now-"

"let's watch this together first, i would like to bring some snacks from kitchen"
Jungkook cut him off and standing up from his seat, leaving the omega alone.

With that the taller disappeared behind the wall as Jimin chewed his bottom lip while covering his face with his hands, feeling too embarrassed to look at his husband in the eyes after this. 

Jimin was too busy plotting a murder on himself until he never realized that the alpha already returned from kitchen with a couple of chips packages and a few bottles of cold sodas.

Jungkook took a seat next to his husband just like earlier, not letting even the smallest gap exist between both of them just to get closer to his husband.

The atmosphere was calming as both of them were focusing on the movie on the television screen especially for Jimin who was poking his bottom lip with his thumb while his wide eyes glued to the screen just like earlier.

He never realized that his husband would peeking to look at him once in awhile as a small smile plastered on his face, trying his best to hold himself from pecking the omega over and over again.

After a few hours, Jungkook heard soft snores coming from his side as he turned his head to look at his husband who was already sleeping with a pair of closed eyes and lips formed a pout while he asleep. Jimin then unconsciously leaned his head against Jungkook's toned shoulder as he already found a comfortable position to sleep.

"he did not finish watching this yet"
The alpha muttered with a weak smile.

He stretched his arms as he carefully making his husband laying on the couch while he turned off the television and clean the snack packages that he brought earlier, tossing them in a dustbin before he returned to the living room.

A light chuckle escaped from his mouth when he noticed the omega was curling his body to form a small fetus shape in his sleep. Jungkook just shook his head and lifted his husband carefully from the couch, not wanting to bump his head on somewhere and caused him to get hurt.

The alpha carried his husband upstairs to their shared bedroom and tucked Jimin under the thick blanket.

However, he moved his head somewhere else before he sneezed. The alpha then rubbed his itching nose as he shook his head a couple of times to get rid of his sudden head ache.

He walked towards the nightstand located next to their bed as quiet as possible, pulling the top drawer to take out a couple of medicine packages as he read the words written on the plastic.

"I don't have fever anymore but what's wrong with this kind of feverish feeling?"
Jungkook mumbled to himself in pure curiosity after he swallowed down two pills along with mineral water.

With that he decided to shrug it off, thinking it was because of the chilly temperature. Maybe he should not turning on his air conditioner too often then or at least raising up the temperature a little bit.

He then removed the shirt he was wearing and get under the cover as well, cuddling to his husband with a smile on his face. The smile has not disappeared from his face as he was busy snuggling into his husband, rubbing his nose on his scent gland to scent his husband.

Jungkook could not control the giddy feeling inside him when he thought about Jimin will wake up next morning drenched in his musky scent. This had caused the alpha to puff his chest with pride at the idea while he continuing to scent his sleeping husband.

"how can you look so fucking beautiful even in your sleep my sweet Jiminie?"
Jungkook whispered before he giggled, looking at the omega scrunched his cute nose when Jungkook poke his cheek.

Jimin was making a sleeping sound before he turned his head and went silent, dozed off into his dreamland.

The alpha smiled again as he continued what he was doing earlier. A soft purr came from the omega when Jungkook licked over his scent gland to make sure that he will be completely carrying his scent next morning.

"i love you"
Jungkook whispered as he planted a soft peck on his lips.

The giddy feeling inside his stomach had caused Jungkook to swallow the lump that insisted on staying in his throat, he got the urge to kiss the omega so bad but he does not want to do it without his permission in the first place.

Jungkook sighed as he pecked on his cheeks and his forehead before he admiring his beautiful husband sleeping with his mouth parted slightly along with his cheek puffed in his sleep.


I never feel this single before-

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