♡ chapter 9 ♡

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After the lunch, Jungkook decided to do some of his work inside his study room but not after he had made sure that the omega was wrapped around a thick blanket as Jimin wanted to stay at the living room. It was not take a long time for the alpha to finish his work so he returned to the living room to check on his husband.

The living room was surprisingly quiet without any sounds from television. He just shrugged and moves closer to the long couch where he could find Jimin was still there under the bundle of blankets like a burrito.

Jungkook thought Jimin must be sleeping but no, he was wide awake as he staring to the pitch black television screen with soulless eyes.

The alpha called and caused Jimin to flinch hard in fear.

He peeked to look at the tall alpha before his heart was being normal again, relieve was washing over him. Jungkook does not saying anything more as he took a seat next to the omega who was surprisingly scooted away from him to expand the space between them.

The alpha raised his eyebrows in confusion, not understand either he did cause Jimin to feel uncomfortable around him or he just need a space.

"are you alright?"

"I will s-sleep here f-from today and y-you can stay inside the b-bedroom"
Jimin spoke while curling his body even more to make himself smaller on the long couch.

Jungkook was a bit taken aback of the request but he was showing any expression on his face. Jimin then began to avoid eye contact with him as the omega just leaning on the couch to make himself comfortable.

"I need to go to office, I have some work to do and I think I won't be back soon"
The alpha spoke but Jimin was not looking at him at all.

He standing up and the action of his husband does not changed. Jungkook took a sharp breath as he felt a little bit offended by the younger but he does not feel like to snap it out at his husband.

"Jeon Jimin, I'm talking to you"
His voice sounded deep and in the same time laced with pure authority.

"s-sure, just go.. I'm t-tired right now"
Jimin whimpered while he tightened his grip on the thick blanket.

Jungkook took a couple of seconds to look at his husband before he went upstairs to fetch his files and other important things to bring to his office. He then left the house but Jimin was not even spare him a glance.

Finally he does not need to muffle up his sobs anymore. Jimin was sniffing as he tried to reach out for his phone he put on the coffee table earlier.

Finger scrolling down his contact number until he found the familiar nickname with an alien emoji next to it. The omega brought his phone close to his ear as he was waiting for the other to pick up his call.

"jimin ah, I miss you idiot"

"T-taehyung ah"
Jimin choked up his tears after listening to his best friend's voice.

"yah, are you crying?? you better not"
The other omega threatened and Jimin could hear Taehyung shuffling maybe on his bed.

"I miss appa"
Jimin blurted out before he sobbed harder than before.

Taehyung lost his words, feeling sympathy towards his soulmate was eating him alive. He would like to come over and comfort the smaller one but he needs to respect the newlyweds.

"you should spend time with Jungkook"
He advised but instead of replying, Jimin shook his head in denied.

None of them ever speaking until Jimin realised he was supposed to say something instead of action.

"wait, let be turn this call to face time-"

"no! I look so b-bad right now!"
Jimin was quick enough cut the other omega off.

Taehyung could not help but to roll his eyes and turned their call to face time. He could see Jimin's face clearly as he just raised his eyebrows at the other omega in disbelief.

"better than the moment I look at your face when you almost falling from the theater during-"

"okay no need to remind me!"
Jimin pouted his lips in annoyance.

This had caused Taehyung to burst out giggles. He turned around on the bed so he could lying on his stomach while Jimin was too busy wiping his tears using some tissues to get from the coffee table in front of him.

That was how Taehyung managed to make the other omega forgot about his own problems. They were talking about so many things until it was already late in the evening. Jimin flinched when someone knocked on the door and the door bell rang out of sudden had caused both of the male omegas to fall into a deep silence.

"someone at the door?"
Taehyung asked while Jimin shrugged his shoulders.

"don't end the call yet"
Jimin reminded before he stood up from his seat and walk towards the door.

He needed to collect all of his courage to pull the door open with hesitation. Jimin peeked his head but he found no one standing outside. A frown began to take over his swollen face before he found a meal box in a package was placed on the floor.

"what is this?"
The omega blurted out his thoughts in pure confusion.

"this will be your dinner since i won't be back until late at night, make sure to lock the door, i have the spare key-"

"Jimin, are you okay?!"
Taehyung yelled through the speaker loud enough to catch the other omega's attention who was heading back inside.

The said omega does not saying anything as he sat in front on his phone where Taehyung could see him clearly as he was checking the food package that he placed on his lap.

"what did your dear husband bought for you my cute little jibooty"
Taehyung teased while wiggling his eyebrows to annoy Jimin.

"a tape to make you keep quiet"


i can see the way my writings glow up

but not me 😌

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