♡ chapter 5 ♡

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"I can help with that problem"
Jungwoo said earning a sharp gasp from the omega.

Jungkook who was sitting across Jimin just watching him having difficulties to breath but the smaller does not even spare him a glance. He was having mix emotions inside whether he should let Jimin crying alone just like that or not.

"then I will hand the company to Jeon Jungkook and let him replace me" Chanyeol cut them off.

"it'll be company collaboration"

The said alpha was a bit taken aback but refuse to show any reaction on his face. He just make an eye contact with the older when Park Chanyeol turned to look at him. Soft sniffing sound can be heard coming from Jimin who was cuddling to Jeon Aera who was trying to comfort him by caressing his side.

"accept it as my other responsibilities on you, included Park Jimin"

"I can promise you that"
Jungkook nodded his head for confirmation.

"I don't w-want to marry.. I want to live with a-appa, he w-will get h-healthy" Jimin muttered as all of them were focusing on him with soft gaze.

Minseo just sighed as she tightened her hug to comfort the younger. Non of them were trying to break the silence while Chanyeol just staring at the wires on his hand. If he was fated to meet the death tomorrow, he afraid he will not get to confirm that if his son in a good hand to be taken care of or not.

"you will get marry a day after tomorrow"
Chanyeol said with dead serious expression on his face.

"why are you doing this to me? Do you not even love me anymore appa?!" Jimin snapped, feeling too overwhelmed by the sudden information.

The omega stood up from his seat because his body react to his emotions. His breathing got quicken as he dashed out of the room, does not spare a single glance over the guests.

All of them were watching the omega running away but not for Jungkook. He stood up and chase the younger who was leaning against a wall in an empty the corridor, crying his heart out loud.

"Park Jimin" Jungkook called but he had caused the omega to flinch hard.

"let's go to your dad, he must be sad"
He added while reaching out to hold the omega but Jimin yanked his arm away.

"leave me alone!"
Jimin sobbed as he wipes those tear using his sleeve shirt.

Jungkook just watch him in silence. Does not saying anything as Jimin sliding down the wall to scrunch down on the tiled floor. The omega was not planning to make eye contact with Jungkook who was staring at him with unreadable expression on his face.

"do you hate me that much Park Jimin? don't you know that your father is caring about you so much?"

"appa doesn't l-love me" Jimin said as he shook his head.

A low sigh escaped from the taller before he lowered his body and pick Jimin up from the floor. He ignored the omega squirming in his hold until they reached a long bench as he makes Jimin sat on it with a huge pout on his lips.

He then took a seat next to the younger but Jimin was quick to turn his body to avoid looking at the alpha.

"you're a jerk, you should reject the offer to marry me in the first place" Jimin spoke as he clenched his fists.

"I don't want to talk to you" He added before he stood up and leaving the alpha behind.

Jungkook just watched the younger until he disappeared behind he restroom door before he sighed in frustration. Jimin might be not interested to cooperate with him but he understood that the omega is still young to get married.

With another sigh escaped his mouth, Jungkook makes himself inside the ward where his family was waiting for him to return.

Just as expected, all of eyes were looking at him right after he stepped inside the room. He just bowed his head in polite manner before he took a seat from earlier without saying anything.

"where is Jimin?"
His mother asked as she turned to look at the door frame.

"he went to restroom" He answered while crossing his arms over his broad chest.

Then Jungwoo clears his throat and started a new topic to talk about, being a leader of a huge company had caused him to get many idea on how to began a conversation. The other male just smile and reply him words by words.

It took a few moments until the door was pushed open with Jimin had his eyes glued on the floor. His face was wet and both of his red eyes were swollen because of crying too much.

His presence had caused the whole room to become silence once again. Jimin was scared by the attention given by all of them but he covered his fear with balling up his fists and walk closer to his father.

"if I agree to m-marry Jungkook.. can I request s-something from you appa?" Jimin's voice was slow.

His father just nodded his head, assuring him to continue while he was mentally feeling curious on what Jimin is going to say next.

"can you.. lead me to the groom during the wedding ceremony later?"

Jeon Minseo could not help but to coo silently at the smaller omega. She just watching the way Jimin will playing with his fingers to ease his nervous with a soft smile plastered on her face.

"sure, at least i can watch you being held by the person that I trust the most"
Chanyeol said smiling.

Warm sparks inside of his heart had caused him to feel at ease. The young pup had clear his mind in the toilet earlier and he thought about watching his father smiling before he will leaving him just like what his mom did.

After that, his father had assured him to go out with Jungkook to go and get the wedding attire that they had prepared for both of them. Jimin just agreed without saying anything. He would stare outside of the glass window in order to avoid the glance he received from the alpha who was sitting at the driving seat.

The huge luxurious wedding boutique was amazed Jimin until his eyes were wide open. He was never expected he will wear a wedding dress special costumed from here.

"let's go"
Jungkook said as he hold Jimin's hand to lead him inside.

The other male was fighting in his mind whether he should pull his hand away or just play along. They should acting like a couple to get inside this wedding boutique instead of looking like a pair of enemy who will not hesitate to kill each other with second thought.


I'll update again tomorrow

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