♡ chapter 33 ♡

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Silence filled in the air as non of them ever saying anything. Taehyung stopped breathing as he began to feel cold sweat forming on his forehead.

They never broke the eye contact as Taehyung balled up his fists on his sides. Not understanding either his cousin was only curious of his current relationship or he just being a busybody.

"not your problem"
The omega said as he was about to close his bedroom door shut but the other male stopped his action by blocking the door first.

"don't you ever heard about him being in a relationship already, Kim Taehyung?"

"I want to sleep, I'm sleepy"
The omega said as he tried to close the door.

"not that easy to escape yet"
Taemin stopped him by preventing his cousin from closing the door.

Taehyung sighed in pure frustration, it was already late and he might have no intention to finish his assignments anymore. The only thing that he planned to do is to sleep right now.

"that Jeon Jungkook guy, both of you seem close enough so don't you dare to let him have Jimin before me, i will never let it happen"

The next day Taehyung does not attend most of his class, he could not make himself focus on the lecture as he left the campus earlier than usual. He got no idea where he was heading to, only letting his feet brought him to a random park.

Most of the kids were playing around with their parents as the poor omega just watching them with a sad smile. He missed both of his parents but his parents were already resting in heaven.

Taehyung only got his older brother left with him but the said male was busy studying oversea, the only sibling that can provide him a shoulder to cry on and comfort him with full of love.

"hi there, can i help you?"
He asked the small kid who was looking at him with a pair of curious eyes.

"you are so beautiful but you look sad"
The small kid said with a frown on his face.

"d-do you want some candies?"
He added as he was already extending his arm with a few candies on his palms.

This action had caused Taehyung so form a wide smile, tears brimming at the corner of his eyes as he sniffed. The poor omega turned his head away to avoid looking at the little kid with teary eyes.

"you're so sweet little kid"
Taehyung said before he chewed his bottom lip, feeling at the edge of crying in any moment.

"you can take all of them, my eomma went to buy chocolate ice cream from a truck over there"

Then the little kid pointing towards a woman who was waiting in line to buy ice cream from the truck, the queue was not that long so it will take only a few minutes. He could not help but to feel warm in his chest as he thought about the kid still got to play with his mother at this age.

"hyung don't have eomma anymore so you need to love your eomma with all your heart, okay?"
Taehyung said while he ruffles the kid's hair.

"h-hyung don't be sad! no tears!"
The kid began to panic when a single drop of tear running down Taehyung's face in a second.

"candies are sweet and they will make you feel a lot better, trust me! take them all hyung ah!"
The smaller said as he frantically shoving the candies into Taehyung's palm.

"your eomma seems to be looking for you"
Taehyung creaked a small smile.

"ah alright, hyungie don't be sad anymore!"

With that the kid waves him a goodbye and running towards his mother. His lips began to wobble when he watching the mother and son interaction from a far, he saw the way the woman will pat her son's head gently as she was probably praising him for sacrifice his beloved candies for a sad stranger that he just met.

Taehyung took a couple of deep breath to calm down himself from shedding any more tears. He does not planned to return home or attending any more classes, the scenery of the park was enough to comfort him at this moment.

As he was busy staring onto unspecific things, the omega heard his phone ringing from his pants pocket. It was enough to bring him back to earth as he took it out and read the contact name.

"taehyung ah, you didn't come today?"
The familiar voice from his soulmate asked in pure curiosity but Taehyung could tell something is off the the tone, he knew Jimin really well.

"I was having headache so I leave earlier so do you wanna talk about it later at your place hm?"
Taehyung said as he managed to keep his voice as stable as possible.

"I was about to go home, are you okay?"
Jimin asked in pure concern hearing his best friend does not in good condition.

The other omega took a deep breath before he hummed in response. He somehow felt guilty for leaving Jimin alone without informing him.

"I will get going then, see you later"

Taehyung then hopped into a bus as he waited at the back seat, plugging both of his ears with his earphones and play a random song from his favourite playlist. He closed his eyes as he leaned his head against the glass window, wanting to relax all his muscles by resting for awhile.

He then reached a familiar mansion by walking from the bus stop for five minutes, he smiled towards the guards as they already recognised the omega as the young master's best friend.

They let Taehyung in as he can saw Jimin watering his favourite flower, did not even planned to change his outfit first as he thought about waiting for Taehyung in the same time.

"take a picture it may last longer"
Jimin teased before he turned to look at Taehyung with a sheepish smile on his face.

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