♡ chapter 45 ♡

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A/n: i don't have any idea what to write, please enjoy the short fluff ahead for now!

Soft sniffing sounds filling the room as Jimin brought his knees closer to his chest and his back leaning against the bed frame. He brought his cold hands up to fiddle his fingers to occupy himself without moving his gaze away from the wall clock.

His breathing was shallow until the clock is showing 6.15 in the afternoon and right after that, the bedroom door is being swung open from the outside. There's Jungkook standing with his hand still holding the doorknob. His hair was slightly tousled and worried was plastered on his face as he steps further into the room to get his husband.

"Jiminie, what's wrong?" His honey voice making Jimin choked on tears before he cried louder.

It doesn't take a long time for the alpha to join him sitting on the bed and pull the sheet from him, immediately replacing the warm with his body heat instead by wrapping his strong arms around Jimin.

Jungkook plant a kiss on Jimin's forehead and patted his back. "Do you have a bad day?"

Jimin shook his head and one second later he pulled his husband into a tight hug. "I'm worried." Jungkook couldn't help but to raise his thick eyebrows upon hearing that.

"What makes you anxious, sweetheart?"

Jimin snuggles more into the hug. "Y-you're late."

The alpha blinked his eyes a couple of times in confusion. "You're crying because I'm late?" Jimin nodded his head without hesitation, the salty tears that flowing down his face were gone once he brought his hands up to brush them off.

A laughter escaped from the alpha as he smiled wholeheartedly. This is making the small bundle in his arms to shut him a glare through his teary eyes.

"Sweetheart, no need to worry! I'm super strong! Here, feel my muscle— ow!" Jungkook didn't get to stop his husband from landing his fist on his broad chest as Jungkook pouted and rubbed the area where Jimin's dainty fist punched him.

"You jerk! Sleep outside tonight!" Jimin growled in annoyance but this only makes Jungkook laughed more, their hands were locked and rested on the soft material on the bed. "Why should I?" Jungkook asked teasingly with a smirk forming on his face.

The glare soon soften when Jungkook leaning in and killed the gap between them, leaving only a few millimetres until their lips will collide against one another. Jimin felt his breath hitched, eyes no longer looking at his husband who's smirking at him like a victory making him looking so damn attractive.

"I'm the one in charged here, Jeon Jimin." Jungkook whispered seductively to his earlobe, sending shivers down the poor omega down his spine.

The alpha observed his husband swallowed audibly with his eyes were squeezed shut. He didn't get to do anything more interesting than this yet Jimin already being submissive under his touch.

Jungkook loves this damn too much.

"You got it?" Jungkook doesn't planned to stop just yet as he noticed his husband nodding frantically.

However, he tsked once he doesn't get the answer that he wanted. An idea pops up in his mind afterwards making another mischievous smirk appeared on his face as he slowly seeping his large hand underneath Jimin's white shirt, startling the poor omega making him gasped in surprise.

Jungkook's hand stopped at his bare waist, feeling the omega shudder and squirming under his light touch. "Use your pretty mouth." He ordered.

Jimin exhaled shakily. "Y-Yes."

Jungkook plants another long peck on Jimin's soft cheek making the omega squeak. He bet each sides of his cheeks were burning red in embarrassment and Jungkook already seen all of it.

It's too late to cover now.

"If my lovely Jimin is worried that I return home late, I'll try— wait no, I'll be on time tomorrow." Jungkook said confidently.

"I'm the boss so I can make the decision."

Jimin then shyly nodding his head while hanging his head low to hide his blushing face but his flushed ears still remain exposed. "Thank you."

"Anything to make my two mochis at ease." Jungkook teased and tickled Jimin's tummy only to force a laughter out of the omega.

"Hyung! Stop acting like I'm pregnant!" Jimin argued between his laughter, trying so hard to push Jungkook's strong arms away from tickling him.

"So you want me to burry my cock deep inside you and make you one?" Jungkook arched his eyebrow.

"Jeon Jungkook!"

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⏰ Last updated: Aug 27, 2023 ⏰

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