♡ chapter 35 ♡

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"He confessed to you earlier?!"
Taehyung screamed as his face showing shock.

Jimin was sitting across him on the huge bed as he staring over his lap. He was also shocked by the sudden confession earlier so that's why he was eager to share about this to Taehyung.

"don't fucking say yes to him!"
Taehyung yelled in frustration.

His breath was heavy. Jimin never saw his best friend acting like this before and it did frightened him to bone. The said omega was about to open his mouth to say something but no words ever escaped from his mouth. Taehyung then picked his bag up from the floor and ready to leave, surprising Jimin who was still sitting on his king sized bed.

"Kim Taehyung, wait-"

The sound of the door being slammed shut had cut Jimin off. He then left his bedroom to chase after the other omega but Taehyung seems to be a fast runner, already reaching the main gate of the mansion when Jimin peeked through curtains.

Taehyung catches a bus once again as he could not stopped himself from bouncing his knees while he was sitting on the single seat. He was beyond anger towards his own cousin until he sees red.

"Lee Taemin"

His voice sounded sharp and clear even though he did not raise his voice while knocking the bedroom door. His breath was unstable since he did not waste his time to run from the bus stop straight to home.

"what do you want Kim?"

"Don't fucking mess with Jimin, asshole!"
Taehyung yelled as he gripped on Taemin's collar.

"i like him-"

"no, you don't! don't claim it after you go out every single night to a strip bar and fucking a random stranger, I know everything Lee Taemin"

Then the atmosphere turns silent, only heavy breath from Taehyung can be heard by both of them. Taemin could not help to let out a sinister chuckle before a harsh slap landed on Taehyung's left cheek.

"you're a fucking cock blocker"
The alpha muttered under his breath.

The slap had left a bright bruise on his skin followed by his eyes began to moisten in the same time. Taehyung decided to chew his bottom lip, tried his best to prevent himself from tear up in any moment.

Both of them were having glaring contest as Taehyung was holding himself back from throwing a couple of punch towards his cousin. After a few moments, Taemin rolled his eyes and leaning against the wall while still glaring at Taehyung.

"Take this as a warning to not ruin anything, if you open your mouth and cause Jimin to reject me later, I swear you will regret this so fucking much"

"you asshole, don't bother him!"
Taehyung snapped with clenched fists.

He did not care any of the consequences, he just wanted Jimin to not be played. The thought of him knowing what Taemin will do in the future but he just play dumb as if he did not know anything had caused him to feel bad towards the other omega.

"you're troublesome, you don't know how you've been a burden to my family all this years"

"we decided to keep you because we thought that maybe you're family will leave some assets for us for taking care of you but we got none! when you turned twenty, all the fucking money will be yours so that's why I'm tired to look at your face in this house!"
Taemin added with pure annoyance.

Then everything hit the omega in his heart, he do realise the way Lee family treated him differently when he reached eighteen years old last year.

"I will not let you have Jimin"
Taehyung whispered, already decided what the best for his soulmate.

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