♡ chapter 41 ♡

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A/n: I have rewrite this chapter for a few times and this one is the best one so far. Thoughts??

A week passed after the incident between the married couple and Jimin has been acting strange, like really strange. In the morning he will serve Jungkook breakfast with the most sweetest smile and send him off to the doorframe later.

When Jungkook returned at night, Jimin will pull his husband to take a seat on a coach in the living room only to serve him a drink after a long tiring day— and if Jungkook is lucky enough, Jimin will offer to give him the best shoulders massage ever.

"Love, do you need anything?" Jungkook asked softly when Jimin is leaning his head against his shoulder as they watch a show together.

A confuse hummed escaped from the omega as he turned his position to face his husband better.

"What do you mean?"

Jungkook shrugged. "My husband has been a good boy for me this week so I would like to reward you." He said while mentally praising himself for picking suitable words to say out loud to Jimin.

The omega found himself blushing and he couldn't make himself looking at his husband any longer. He lowered his gaze to look over his lap while fiddling with his fingers, feeling too shy to even speak.

"I'll take that as a yes."

That's how both of them can be seen in a mall while holding hands— well by forcing Jimin to do so of course and Jungkook refused to let his hand go that easily. The poor omega is burning in embarrassment while his husband enjoy making him flustered by things like this a little bit too much.

Jungkook turned to look at the shorter male with a small smile plastered on his face.

"What do you want my love? Rings? Diamonds?"

"Why would you mention such expensive things? What if you go bankrupt later? What should I do?" Jimin joked playfully  before he nudged on Jungkook's firm forearm with his elbow.

The alpha only rolled his eyes. "I earn all the money for you Jeon Jimin, I'm investing them on you." His words indeed making Jimin confused as the omega furrowed his eyebrows at his husband. "What?"

"If I spend my money on you— for example if I buy you flowers or anything that makes you happy, I'll be a lot happier so I call it investment. It's a win-win situation for both of us don't you think so?"

Jungkook explained only to make Jimin laughed, finally he understood what his husband meant.

"I'm hungry, can we eat something first?"

"Whatever my baby wants."

Jungkook pampered his husband so much and Jimin can only giggles as he felt each side of his cheeks burning in embarrassment up to his ears. The alpha would wipe off the sauce at the corner of Jimin's lips and call him pretty nicknames which enough to send a thousand butterflies in his stomach.

"The food here is so good!" Jimin exclaimed happily as they stepped out of the restaurant while swinging their interlocked hands back and forth.

Jungkook couldn't suppress his smile as he watched his dear husband fondly. "Any plans after this?"

The omega hummed to himself while poking an index finger on his chin, thinking about a nice place to go since he doesn't want to miss the chances to hang out with his husband so freely like this.

"Since you said I'm a good househusband, I think you should buy me books because I have nothing to do at home—" Jimin stopped before his eyes were wide open as if he just remembered something important. "Hyung! My favourite boy band just released a new song so I would like to buy their comeback albums too~ Can I?" He sang with a cheeky smile and who is Jungkook to refuse?

"You still stanning the boy group?" Jungkook asked with a pout, he remembered so well that Jimin really love the boy band when they were studying at University and the omega even got some merch belongs to them. The thought of if alone was enough to make Jungkook huffed in jealousy.

Jimin didn't hesitate to nod his head without dropping his smile. "I really love their music!"

"Of course you do." Jungkook muttered most likely to himself while his husband is busy looking around them for a bookstore with sparkling eyes.

"The bookstore is there! Let's go!"

Later in the car, Jimin got a big paper bag containing a couple of books that he just bought at the bookstore while in his hand got a few albums of his favourite boy band. The omega feels all giddy in his stomach making him excited squeal, totally forgetting his husband who is sitting at the passenger seat while looking at Jimin defeatedly as if he just got cheated on with a couple of albums.

However, Jimin turned to look at his husband with a grin and Jungkook has no idea what is playing in Jimin's head at the moment. "Hyung." Jimin called making the alpha hummed softly in response.

"Can I borrow your phone?" Jimin blinking his eyes innocently to his husband who is raising his eyebrows at him. "I want to take a video."

Even though a bit confused, Jungkook proceeded to pull his phone out of his pants pocket and pass it to his husband who excitedly adjusted it on the dashboard. He pressed on the start button and began waving to the camera before he burst into giggles afterwards, covering his face with his hands.

"Taehyungie, I got the latest BTS albums! Let me unbox all of them in front of you since I know I'm the best friend ever— Oh! Here's Jungkook hyung! He's the one who bought me the albums!" Jimin laughed once again when Jungkook glared to the camera. "Anyways, let's continue with the unboxing! Hyung can you tear the plastic for me? Be careful! Don't ruin the albums! They are too precious!"

Jungkook can only sigh as he carefully poked on the seal since he can't effort being scolded by the love of his life because of a stupid CD.

"I'm excited! Who's I'm gonna pull~"

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