♡ chapter 38 ♡

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There is a half eaten muffin left in the pantries box. Jimin has not touch the dessert as he fallen asleep in his own husband's office room. The only thing he was not aware of is Jungkook is secretly observing from the CCTV that was connected to his phone during meeting.

The director placed his phone on the meeting table but using a file to make the phone screen standing and facing him properly in the same time. When everyone else is focusing on an employee who was explaining about their marketing plan, Jungkook was busy smiling over his phone, hard to tear his gaze away from the screen.

After a few moments, the director peeked over his branded watch. He scanned over his surroundings, only to notice most of his others employees seem tired.

"good job Mr Kwan, we already reached the end so let's call it a day, all of you may dismiss right now"

The director managed to speak with authority even though deep inside him, he was jumping in joy. The male cannot wait to run to his own office to admiring his sleeping beauty husband up close.

Jungkook approached his office as his secretary who was sitting on his table, greeted him with a bright smile. The director reflected the same thing before the door unlocked by itself as soon as the system recognised his familiar thumbprint that he left on the door handle.

"love? why are you- oh"

The alpha whispered after he closed the door shut quietly, not wanting to wake Jimin up from his deep slumber. A cute smile appeared on his face as he looked at the way Jimin's cheeks squished against the table surface.

"why he's so cute?" Jungkook muttered to himself.

He then bend down to sniff the crown of Jimin's hair before a deep blush appeared on his face. Jungkook chewed his bottom lip as he took a seat next to his husband while admiring him sleeping.

A playful smirk appears on his face as he took his phone out of his pocket, taking a couple of pictures of his sleeping husband before he placed his device aside.

He stretched his arm to play with the curly hair strings of the omega while smiling fondly. The alpha did not stop his action until someone coughed out loud.

Jungkook shook his head when he caught a glimpse of one of his employees walking past his tinted window like nothing happened. He then turned his attention back to his husband who was stirred from his sleep.

"raise and shine"

"you're back" Jimin flashed a smile to the alpha.

"how was your nap hm?" Jungkook asked while ruffling Jimin's soft hair as the omega leans into his touch.

"It was good but did you cough earlier?"
The smaller male tilted his head in pure curiosity.

Laughter escaped from Jungkook as he shook his head, retreated his hand back to his lap.

"it was my employee who was passing by"

Jimin scanned his husband, wanted to make sure that he is not lying before he nodded his head in confirmation. A soft yawn came from the omega as he stretched his back, turning to the other side to look at his husband.

"glad you're not sick, we can eat ice cream!"

"do you want to have an ice cream date?" Jungkook suggested while Jimin shut his head towards the alpha with a pair of sparkling beautiful eyes.

The husbands can be found enjoying their date at one of the ice cream parlour inside the huge mall. Jimin could not hide his smile, busy grinning from ear to ear as he fed himself while the alpha only reflected his husband.

"You like it?" Jungkook asked his husband.

"I love it, thank you!" Jimin smiled even more wide since Jungkook payed for all of his five scoops ice cream.

The alpha found himself smiling as he nodded his head, bringing the coffee cup closer to his thin lips to take a small sip of his drink. As he was closing his doe eyes, he then heard Jimin yelped from across him.

"I need to wash my hand" The omega pouted his bottom lip out while rolling his sleeve to prevent the melted ice cream from staining his white shirt.

"Walk straight and then take your left"

Jimin nodded as he rushed to the restroom. He washed the melted ice cream off his skin as he dried his hands off.

However when he stepped out, he found a couple standing close to each other as they talked privately. Jimin decided to shrug it off as he took another path.

"Fuck all of this, I'm tired of you!" A voice that belongs to a male yelled loudly and caused Jimin to flinch.

He peeked over his shoulder to look at the couple he saw earlier as he believe the voice must belongs to the male. The omega could not help to send him a glare even though none of them payed attention to him.

"what's wrong with him?" Jimin mumbled in annoyance.

As he planned to just mind his own business, he continued his track to return to his husband before Jungkook will get worry of him. Just after that, he heard some footsteps coming towards his direction.

Jimin pretended to be as calm calm as possible while he fasten his footsteps when he could see Jungkook scrolling down his phone as he sat at the same table from earlier.

"You looked familiar," A voice surprised him.

This had caused the poor omega to turn pale. He swallowed the lump that insisted on staying in his throat as he play deaf, pretending he did not hear anything.

He believed that the voice belongs to the same person that just yelled to his partner a few moments ago. Jimin felt his gut twisted in a bad way when it does sound way too familiar when the voice echoed through his eardrums.

"My love, are you—"

Jungkook stopped when his eyes landed on the bothered expression of his husband. The alpha then scanned their surroundings before he stood and brought Jimin into his warm embrace, he could feel the omega tensed for the first ten seconds before Jimin finally melted.

"What do you need from my mate?" Jungkook asked to the man who was standing a few feet away from them without letting Jimin go from his arms.

"Oh, I'm sorry but I think he is quite familiar, I just want to confirm it myself just in case I know him," When the familiar voice echoed his eardrums once again, the omega did not waste him time as he just clutching on his husband rather tightly as if his life depended on him.

"He got nothing to do with you," Jungkook replied as he tried to keep his tone, not wanting to sound rude.

"Never mind then," With that the stranger just left.

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