♡ chapter 13 ♡

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After a few days, Jimin finally got discharged from the ward. Jungkook volunteered to settle all the payments and the check out at the counter as he waited for his husband to finish changing into his casual clothes.

"have you packed everything?"
Jungkook asked when he saw Jimin approaching with a small clothe bag.

The omega nodded his head before Jungkook took the bag from his hold out of sudden. Jimin tried to take the bag but the alpha refuse to return it.

He walked faster and leaving Jimin behind who just puffed his cheeks in annoyance. The familiar treatment had caused him to feel weird in his stomach a little bit same from what he had been experienced from college year.

The omega followed his husband until they reached the familiar car without driver waiting for them. Jimin thought Jungkook must been driving himself most of the time.

"hurry, get in"
Jimin snapped back to reality when he saw Jungkook was holding the passenger door open for him.

A slight blush appeared on his face when he thought about Jungkook had caught him spacing out. He then get inside the car while trying his best to not making eye contact with his husband.

"do you want to stop by somewhere?"
Jungkook asked after he drove away from the hospital building.


"but i want to stop by somewhere"
The alpha cut him off before he parked his car at the parking lot of the nearby convenience store.

Jimin almost rolled his eyes as he tried to make himself comfortable on his seat. The engine of the car was already stopped but Jungkook has not stepping out yet since he was busy looking at Jimin who began to feel uncomfortable.

"you want to stay here?"
The alpha asked and Jimin nodded.

He could heard his husband hummed in response before Jungkook get out of the car. Jimin could finally breath in relief but then someone opened the passenger door causing him to flinch.

"let's go"
Jungkook said as he hold on Jimin's small wrist and drag him outside.

The omega was protesting but Jungkook just playing to be deaf. He even instructed Jimin to bring the cart along with them.

A pout plastered on his lips all the time he following the alpha around. He stopped when Jungkook was searching for something at the isle before a stink smell had caused Jimin to sneeze.

"oh, pretty little omega"
A voice began to cat calling him.

Jimin ignored the sound as he pretended to look at the rack of snack next to him but then someone tugged on his wrist. The omega furrowed his eyebrows, he tried to yank his arm away but the unknown alpha was stronger than him.

"release me mister, i don't know you!"

This had caused Jimin to panic when he saw an alpha on his late thirties smiled in flirtatious at him. He also began to release his pheromones to make Jimin submit to him.

With using the other hand, the omega tried to slap him but the unknown alpha was fast enough to hold his another hand. Jimin began to feel scared, praying for his husband to return soon.

"h-help me-"

"yah, you crazy asshole let him go"
Jimin snapped his head only to meet his husband with his hoodie sleeves were rolled up enough to expose his veiny muscular arms.

"don't bother me young man"
The unknown alpha hissed.

"but for your information the one you're bothering right now is my husband"
Jungkook throw a glare while he approaching them.

"you're so stupid to leave this kind of pretty slut alone-"

He was stumbled back when Jungkook landed his fist on his left cheek. Jimin was watching the incident with a pair of wide eyes as he immediately pulled his hand back and rushed to hide behind his husband.

"watch your filthy mouth"
Jimin could hear his husband growled before the other unknown alpha ran after muttering curses under his breath.

"you should call for me!"
Jungkook furrowed his eyebrows.

"he r-released his ph-pheromones.."
Jimin whimpered before he burst into tears when he remembered how panic he felt a few moments ago.

The alpha soften his gaze on his crying husband before he pulled Jimin to follow him into an empty isle and brought the omega into his embrace, trying to comfort him. Jimin would sobbed as he buried his face to inhale the calming scent that coming from his husband.

"don't cry anymore, let's get ice cream"
Jungkook honestly does not know how to comfort the younger but Jimin surprisingly nodded his head.

The omega broke hug and wipes those remaining tears off his face. Jungkook noticed his eyes were swollen so he removed the cap he wears and put it on his husband. Jimin was a little bit surprised but he was not dare to say anything.

Jungkook pushed the cart but Jimin stopped him while still rubbing his eyes. The alpha raised his eyebrows as he waited for Jimin to speak.

"the ice cream area is right there"
Jimin said as he pointed towards the other direction.

"oh, let's go then"

With that, Jungkook uses his right hand to hold his husband while the other one pushing the cart until they reached the ice cream area. Jimin just stood there, refusing to go and get the ice cream.

The alpha was not saying anything as he just took a couple of flavors and put them inside their cart also with a familiar green colored ice cream that making Jimin scrunched his nose.

"this is mine"
Jungkook said before he put it in their cart as well.

They were walking through the snacks isle and Jungkook had stuffed their cart with some junk food and two carton of banana milk. Jimin raised his eyebrows once again, he looked at his husband as if he wanted some explaination from the tall alpha.

Jungkook said before he push the cart along with him.

A soft chuckle escaped from the omega as he followed his husband close from behind to walk to the counter to pay. Jungkook carried all of the plastic bags with his left hand while his other hand was holding Jimin. The omega wanted to pull his hand back but he thought about it must be for his safety.

Both males turned their head in the same time to look at the owner of the familiar voice.

"Taehyung ah"
Jimin smiled but the other omega gasped when he noticed their interlocked hands.

"lovey dovey i see"
Taehyung teased while flashing his evil smirk to Jimin.

Jimin tried to pull his hand away but Jungkook only tightened his grip. This had caused a blush to appear on his soft cheeks when his husband acting like this in front of Taehyung.

"Jungkook ah, i want to borrow Jimin tomorrow and i hope you don't mind"

The alpha raised his eyebrows, he turned to look at his husband who was avoiding his eye contact. His blushed face mesmerized Jungkook so how can the alpha refuses his own husband?

"alright, i will send and pick him up"


so jungkook is that kind of husband..

omfg i feel so single

follow me for more!


thank you for reading!

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