♡ chapter 16 ♡

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A few boxes of fried chicken were placed on the coffee table in the living roon as the married couple seated on the long couch. Jungkook put Jimin to sit on his lap while he feed his husband the boneless chicken with his fingers.

Jimin would be such a tease sometimes, he often bite on Jungkook's long fingers accidently as he thought it was the chicken pieces. The alpha just laughed but deep inside him, he thought it was hot but he knows he can not let his mind thinking about bad things when his husband was in this kind of state.

An adorable squeal escaped from Jimin since he was enjoying both the food and the tingling feeling in his stomach. It was a little bit weird but it was a good feeling for him.

"do you want more?"
Jungkook asked while Jimin just nodded and open his mouth in response.

The alpha could feel electricity inside his body when his fingers will brush against Jimin's soft plump lips. This had caused a pink shade to tint his tan skin without he ever realized. He should not think about dirty things when he got his drunk husband sitting on his lap.

Jimin stuttered while he used his fists to clench on his husband's hoodie.

"what is it baby?"
Jungkook asked as he grabbed a tissue to wipe the red sauce off Jimin's lips.

The omega could feel the weird tingling feeling inside his stomach once again so he buried his face into the crook of Jungkook's neck where Jimin could in hale his musky yet calming scent.

"do you like me?"

No word came from the alpha since he was speechless with the sudden question of his husband. Jimin was pouting his lips even more as he waiting for Jungkook to answer him.

"of course i like you dumbass"
Jungkook said as he poked Jimin playfully on his forehead.

"Jungkookie likes me for how long?"

"for a really long time"
The alpha confessed as he swept off the bangs of his husband.

Hearing the response had caused Jimin to pout while a backed away to look at Jungkook in the eyes. He tried to look intimidating to the alpha but Jungkook found his action was adorable.

"then why you bullied me!"
Jimin used his fist to punch Jungkook on his chest, gritting his teeth in anger.

"I have my own reason-"

"you even hurt me a lot in the past!"
The omega cut him off while sniffing softly out of sudden.

"i know and I'm sorry"
Jungkook said while breaking their eye contact, feeling ashamed of himself.

Jimin turned his head as he could feel that his wolf was whimpering in pure euphoric. He snuggled close to Jeon Jungkook who was using his right hand to wrap around his husband to prevent him from falling down from the couch.

"it's getting late, you should sleep"
Jungkook said as he cleaned his dirty fingers with the wet tissues he took from the coffee table.

Jimin nodded his head before he get off the alpha and went to his usual spot on the couch where he sleeps every night. The alpha felt a pang in his heart before he took Jimin back in his arms and making the drunk Jimin confused.

"kookie i want to sleep"
The omega whined while rubbing his eyes with his hands.

"okay but not here, let's go upstairs"
Jungkook said while picking the smaller up and carry him upstairs without Jimin making so much fuss.

He placed Jimin on the mattress of his bed with full of care, afraid that he might accidentally hurt the smaller omega. However when Jungkook was about to leave, he felt a soft tug on his hand that prevent him from going anywhere.

The alpha saw Jimin seemed a little bit uncomfortable on the cold bed before he finally giving in and joined his husband sleeping on the same bed. Jimin then immediately moved closer towards Jungkook when the smaller could feel the warmth was coming from him.

Jungkook opened his arms to let his husband get in his embrace as he wrapped both of them with the thick cover. A strong scent of his musky pheromones had drenched over the omega and Jungkook could not help himself but to feel proud of it.

He had making sure that his husband was already dead asleep but he could not even close his eyes shut. The alpha was recalling about their memories during their study at the university.

His crush on Jimin developed every single day until today he get to hold the omega in his arms, keeping him safe from this cruel world with all his best.

"please give me a hope Jimin"
Jungkook spoke as he looked at his husband who was sleeping soundly.

"just let me love you like no one did"
He added before he planted a soft kiss on Jimin's forehead.

The omega scrunched up his nose before he buried himself deeper into his husband's chest to find some comfort. A smile appeared on his face when he got the warmth that he needed while Jungkook could felt butterflies making chaos inside his stomach.

He unconsciously formed a smile as well before he cuddled close to his husband to provide him enough heat. Jungkook swore he loves this moment and hoping that the time will stop so he could spend his time staring at Jimin or having a conversation with his drunk husband who will not push him away like every single day.

"don't be so cold towards me, yeah?"

Jungkook then planted another peck on his husband and one more on his cheek as backed away to admire the way his cute husband would pout his lips in his sleep and looking so adorable in his eyes. Jimin looked so soft that Jungkook had volunteered himself to protect this precious omega from all danger as possible.

"goodnight sleepyhead"
He whispered and formed a smile before Jungkook closed his eyes to let himself fall into his dreamless sleep.


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